
  • 网络headway;time headway
  1. 同时,还分析了双、三左转各车道间车头时距的差异性。

    In addition , the analysis of independent samples T test and variance test were used to determine statistical significance on saturation time headway among different lane position of double left-turn and triple left-turn lanes .

  2. 在此定义的基础上,确定采用车辆作用空间与车头时距相结合的方法确定车辆换折算系数PCE值。

    Consequently the PCE value of vehicle conversion factor is determined by the adoption of time and headway .

  3. 通过对我国城市间大量存在的二级、三级等双车道公路上运行车辆车头时距的研究,提出了一种改进的M3车头时距分布模型;

    On the headway research of the two lane highway in our country , this paper provided the improved M3 headway distribution model .

  4. 以车头时距为约束条件,提出在信号控制平面交叉口给予BRT车辆有条件信号优先。

    This paper outlines an intelligent concept for providing conditional priority to BRT vehicles at a signalized intersection according to their headways .

  5. 在无信号T型交叉口主路车流车头时距服从改进后的M3分布的条件下,建立了支路3种车型混合车流的通行能力模型。

    When the flow of the major lane of unsignalized T-intersection follows improved M3 distribution , the traffic capacity model of mixed flow at minor lane was developed .

  6. 提出了无信号交叉口在主路具有2股车流且其车头时距均服从M3分布时次要车流的平均延误模型。

    It is presented the development of a model for predicting average minor stream delay at an unsignalized intersection which major road has two lanes , each of which has stream whose headway distributions are Cowan 's M3 distributions .

  7. 然后基于可插车间隙理论和概率论方法,给出两股车流情况下次路车流通行能力的计算方法,并对主路车流车头时距服从M3分布次路车流的理论模型进行了推导;

    Then , based on the gap acceptance theory and probability method , the capacity calculating method of minor stream is deduced on the condition of two vehicle streams , and theory model is derived when main stream headway fits M3 distribution .

  8. 山区双车道公路延误车头时距分析

    Analysis of Delay Headway on Two-lane Highways on Mountainous Areas

  9. 机动车车头时距分布的韦布尔修正模型

    Revised Weibull revision model of headway distribution for motor-vehicle

  10. 高速公路合流区1车道车头时距分布特征

    Headway Characteristics of Iane 1 on Expressway Merge Area

  11. 神经网络方法在车头时距特性分析中的应用

    Application of Neural Network in Analysis of Headway Characteristics

  12. 车头时距分布和到达分布是交通流理论中两个重要的分布。

    Headway distribution and arrival distribution are two important distribu-tions of traffic flow theory .

  13. 信号交叉口排队离散车头时距统计分析

    Queuing Vehicle Headway Statistic Analysis at Signalized Intersection

  14. 通过对公路车头时距分布的研究,给出了公路平面交叉口潜在冲突计算模型。

    The model for calculating the latent conflict is given by analyzing the distribution of highway headway .

  15. 阻车时产生的交通流量(大于600veh/h)时车头时距符合对数正态分布,该结果能为进一步研究山区双车道公路通行能力奠定基础。

    This result provides fundamental research for further study on capacity of two-lane highways in mountainous areas .

  16. 在动态路径分析中,根据各个时段记录的车头时距情况,计算出车流的随机度,将防洪避难道路预警界限水平划分为3个等级。

    Based on the vehicle real-time random degree , warning levels of road were vested in three level .

  17. 车头时距分布在交通工程理论和实践中应用广泛。

    Based on real data , this paper focused on headway distribution about up-stream of two lanes urban expressway on-ramp .

  18. 临界间隙作为一个特殊的车头时距对通行能力的计算和交通流仿真有着很大的影响。

    Critical gap as a special headway on the calculation of capacity and traffic flow simulation has a great impact .

  19. 该研究为合理分析路段交通流状况、正确计算区间行驶车速与车头时距提供了依据。

    The research provides important reference for analyzing the segment traffic flow reasonably and computing the speed and the headway exactly .

  20. 结果表明,该方法适用于不同车头时距分布类型的机动车流。

    The result indicates that the model is suitable for motor vehicle flows with different types of headway probability density functions .

  21. 运行效率方面,选择了绿灯期间车头时距分布、饱和车头时距和启动延误等参数。

    In the matter of operating efficiency , selected the headway distribution , saturation headway and start delays and other parameters during green light .

  22. 运用数理统计方法和回归技术,得出基本路段、合流区、分流区交通流的速度和车头时距分布规律;

    Thirdly , with statistical methods and regression techniques , the rules of flow rate and headway distribution for the segment between interchanges were found .

  23. 采用计算机模拟手段,得到了车头时距阈值与速度关系、不同跟车序列最小车头间距、车头间距与随机度关系和车头间距与流量关系;

    The relationship between vehicle speeds and the maximum time headway and that between the minimum time headway and randomness of traffic flows are obtained .

  24. 利用已有的高速公路合流区外侧车道交通特征分析结论,推求在外侧车流不同车头时距分布特征下的上匝道混合车流汇合概率模型。

    Different merging models of mixed traffic flow on conditions of different superior flow headways were advanced according to existing analyzed conclusions concerning the onramp traffic characteristic .

  25. 文中还给出了计算机程序框图,并将M2模型模拟结果与据车头时距为负指数分布的M1模型的模拟结果作了比较。

    Then the simulation flow chart is given . A comparison between the simulation results based on M2 model and M1 model ( exponential distribution model ) is made .

  26. 以交通流理论为基础,结合我国混合交通的特点,通过大量实地观测和统计分析,建立了三种类型车道的车头时距均值与车型比例之间的线性关系模型。

    On the basis of traffic flow fundamentals , this paper establishes a series of multivariate linear regression models combined with the characteristics of the fixed transportation in China .

  27. 该模型假定行驶车辆都趋向于保持期望车头时距,并通过对前车速度的估计,对车速进行同步更新。

    The model assumes that every vehicle tends to keep expected time-headway . The vehicle synchronous updates its velocity by estimating the velocity of head vehicle and the distance-headway .

  28. 在道路断面观测交通流可得到一更新过程,车头时距和车辆到达分别是其间隔和计数。

    In traffic theory , a real renewal process can be gained by observing a traffic flow at a section of a road . headway , arrival are its interval and count respectly .

  29. 采用最小二乘法建立了公交车车头时距与公交车在站点停靠时间的线性函数,预测公交车辆到达停车线的时间。

    Establishing the linear function of headway and the stop time at the stop by adopting least square method , the thesis predicts the time when the bus reaches the stopping line at the intersection .

  30. 论文从微观角度上对信号交叉口混合交通流的特性进行了分析,包括机动车、非机动车的启动损失时间、车头时距,及行人的步行速度、启动时间。

    This paper analyses the mixed traffic running characteristic on signalized intersection from microcosmic view , including set-up loosing time , headway of vehicle and non-motorized vehicle , and walking speed and set-up time of pedestrian .