
chē xiāng
  • railway carriage;coach;car;compartment;carriage;van
车厢 [chē xiāng]
  • [carriage;compartment] 指车体,车的负载空间,用于载人或物

车厢[chē xiāng]
  1. 又挂上了一节车厢。

    Another railway carriage has been hitched on .

  2. 本文介绍了国外交通领域在垃圾处理、车厢清扫方面的整理概况及新技术。

    The article introduces the waste treatment and new technology of railway carriage cleaning in foreign communication field .

  3. 头等车厢位于火车的前部。

    The first-class compartment is situated at the front of the train .

  4. 这节货车车厢脱离了列车。

    The wagon broke free from the train .

  5. 有几节火车车厢出轨了。

    Several cars went off the rails .

  6. 他来到餐车车厢吃早饭。

    He made his way into the dining car for breakfast .

  7. 通用柴油动力火车头将车厢转轨到了4号月台。

    The GM diesel engine shunted the coaches to Platform 4 .

  8. 我刚挤进车厢,车门就关上了。

    I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed

  9. 我的铁皮箱放在了卫兵的行李车厢中。

    In the guard 's van lay my tin trunk .

  10. 这列火车由16节车厢组成,设计复杂精巧。

    The train was an elaborate affair of sixteen coaches .

  11. 他坐在一节二等车厢的角落里。

    He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage

  12. 车厢中部有一个空座。

    Half way down the coach was a vacant seat

  13. 当火车驶进巴斯尔登站时,一节车厢的门撞到他了。

    A carriage door struck him as a train drew into Basildon station .

  14. 售票员慵懒地拖着脚走向下一节车厢。

    The conductor shambled to the next carriage .

  15. 有300个铁路货车车厢等着卸货。

    Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded

  16. 回家的路上,我们和一群生意人一起坐在一等车厢。

    On the way home we shared our first class compartment with a group of businessmen .

  17. 为乘务员制作了徽章,这样它们就不会从车厢上脱落下来,也不会被传来传去。

    The stewards ' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around .

  18. 这节车厢定员120人。

    This carriage has a seating capacity of 120 people .

  19. 我将坐在机车后面的第三节车厢内。

    I 'll be sitting in the third carriage from the engine .

  20. 硬卧车厢在前面。

    The tourist coaches [ carriages ] are in front .

  21. 车厢里空得很。

    There are many vacant seats in the carriage .

  22. 头等车厢在前面。

    The first class carriages are in front .

  23. 火车一停,人们便挤进车厢找座位。

    Crowds jammed in for seats when the train pulled up .

  24. 火车的前部只有头等车厢。

    The forward part of the train is for firstclass passengers only .

  25. 他们把这些列车车厢连接起来。

    They coupled the carriages of the train together .

  26. 他不得不穿过数节车厢来到卧铺车厢。

    He had to cross a number of coaches to reach the sleeping-car .

  27. 火车头与车厢挂在一起。

    An engine is coupled to a railway train .

  28. 火车出了轨,一些旅客被压在车厢下。

    The train derailed and a number of passengers were pinned under the carriages .

  29. 二号车厢已经满员。

    No.2 carriage is full .

  30. 它大约60米高,有42间车厢。

    It is about 60 meters tall and has 42 cars .