
  • 网络Sebastian Freis;Fries;Tina Friese;Foster Friess;C.Fries
  1. 弗赖斯节正要外出,便让杜洛瓦去找太太帮忙。

    Forestier , just leaving , referred Duroy to Mme. Forestier for help .

  2. 德·坎特尔和妻子呕气,便把弗赖斯节叫做可怜的查理。

    To pique his wife de Canted began to call Forestier " poor Charles " .

  3. 弗赖斯节夫人回到巴黎。

    Mme. Forestier returned to Paris .

  4. 杜洛瓦在弗赖斯节家的晚宴上大出风头。华代尔先生聘请他担任记者,以他在阿尔及利亚的经历为题材写一组文章。

    The Forestiers'party was a success for Duroy.M.Walter hired him as a reporter to write a series of articles on his experiences in Algeria .

  5. 柏柏尔语柏柏尔人讲的亚非语言中一种弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。

    Any of the Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berbers . After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse .

  6. 由于写不出像样的东西,他不得不一大早赶到弗赖斯节家里求援。

    Unable to write it in proper form , he was forced to hurry to the Forestier home early in the morning to seek stylistic advice .

  7. 一天晚上,口袋里只剩下三法郎的退伍军官乔治杜洛瓦在巴黎遇到老战友查理弗赖斯节。

    Georges duroy , a former soldier , had only three francs in his pocket when he met his former brother officer , Charles forestier , in Paris one evening .

  8. 弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵。万圣节起初是一个异教徒的节日,纪念死去的人。

    After Forestier 's death , he and Mrs. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse . It was originally GetWord (" originally "); a pagan GetWord (" pagan "); holiday , honoring the dead .