
  • 网络francis;Frances
  1. 弗兰西斯·J·安德伍德图书馆

    the Francis J. Underwood library .

  2. 在超高清分辨率下,即便是淡定的弗兰西斯・安德伍德(FrancisUnderwood)也会出汗。这是真的。

    Even the unflappable Francis Underwood perspires in ultra high definition .

  3. 弗兰西斯是一个什么样的人呢?她可以为了吸引服务员注意而放火烧餐厅的鲜花装饰,也可以为了通过自己的猫和已故丈夫交流而举办降神会。

    Frances is the kind of person who sets fire to a restaurant 's flower arrangement to get the waiter 's attention , and conducts a seance so that she can communicate with her husband via her cat .

  4. 他们用得分王麦克格雷迪从火箭队换来了弗兰西斯、莫布利和卡托,他们都是优秀的球员,尤其是弗兰西斯是NBA全明星队的成员,加上希尔的复出,魔术队的实力大大增强。

    The Magic got Steve Francis , Cuttino Mobley and Kelvin Cato from the Rockets , and all three have been terrific , adding athleticism and depth to a roster devoid of both .

  5. 该展览的策展人帕梅拉・戈布林(PamelaGolbin)与设计师共同准备了两年时间,展览探讨了戈布林创意灵感的来源,这就是为什么展厅里有许多折起的文章,作者是英国艺术家弗兰西斯・培根(FrancisBacon)。

    Curated by Pamela Golbin , who worked with the designer on it for two years , the exhibition explores the sources of Mr. Van Noten 's creative psyche , which explains all those folded pieces of the British artist Francis Bacon 's papers .

  6. 你无法控制她,是吧,弗兰西斯

    You can 't control her , can you , Francis ?

  7. 弗兰西斯,货运卡车已经到科茨沃斯酒店了

    Francis , the delivery trucks are already at the Cotesworth .

  8. 你知道弗兰西斯向我求婚时说什么吗

    You know what Francis said to me when he proposed ?

  9. 弗兰西斯不能给你的一切,少来

    whatever Francis can 't provide . Oh , fuck off !

  10. 我…你没打电话,弗兰西斯

    I was ... You didn 't call me , Francis .

  11. 听说你的病情,弗兰西斯和我都很难过

    Francis and I were so upset when we heard .

  12. 人群中的许多人个人感到非常愿意选择教皇弗兰西斯。

    Many in the congregation felt Pope Francis ' selection very personally .

  13. 他并不图你任何回报,弗兰西斯

    He doesn 't want anything from you , Francis .

  14. 我现在的重心在国际项目上,弗兰西斯

    I 'm really trying to focus on international projects , Francis .

  15. 98年弗兰西斯也曾去巡回竞选

    You know , Francis did a big bus tour in ' 98 ,

  16. 你很少低估别人啊,弗兰西斯

    You don 't usually underestimate people , Francis .

  17. 这不是你的风格,弗兰西斯

    It 's not really your style , Francis .

  18. 南安普顿说我们应该要奖励弗兰西斯些什么。

    Southampton says we must have something for francis .

  19. 弗兰西斯听到我说这些一定会翻白眼

    Francis would roll his eyes if he heard me talking like this .

  20. 她不是欠我们的吗,弗兰西斯

    I thought she owed us , Francis .

  21. 弗兰西斯是个有15场国际比赛经验的老运动员。

    Francis is a veteran of15 international matches .

  22. 你不止这点出息,弗兰西斯

    You 're better than this , Francis .

  23. 他们想从弗兰西斯那里得到什么

    And what do they want from Francis ?

  24. 这可是个猛料,弗兰西斯

    This is a juicy story , Francis .

  25. 弗兰西斯,食品怎样了

    Francis , where are we with food ?

  26. 我和弗兰西斯有过去,有未来

    I have a history with Francis , I have a future with him ,

  27. 泰隆鲍华和弗兰西斯法默主演。

    With Tyrone Power and Frances farmer .

  28. 天啊,自从离开了弗兰西斯你变得很自信啊

    My , my , you 've grown very confident since you worked for Francis .

  29. 我还真那么干过还有人喊你弗兰西斯吗

    I got a few of those . Does anybody ever actually call you Francis ?

  30. 但莎贝拉·林惇可比不上她,是吧,弗兰西斯?

    Isabella Linton is not to be compared with her , is she , Frances ?