
  • 网络Hearst Castle
  1. 湾区游轮、赫氏古堡及电缆车门票。

    San Francisco Bay Cruise , Hearst Castle Car admission is optional .

  2. 赫氏古堡的建筑风格虽然看上去比较古老,其实没那么久远。

    With an ancient construction style , Hearst Castle is actually not as old as it looks .

  3. 不过你可能不知道有个叫威廉•伦道夫•赫斯特的寻梦人,他不仅创立了一个传媒帝国,还打造了一座真正的城堡&赫氏古堡,从而圆了他自己的梦想。

    But you may not know there was a dreamer called William Randolph Hearst , who realized his dream by building up not only the media empire , but also a real castle & the Hearst Castle .