
  • 网络hirsch;Hershey
  1. 在赫希教授的努力下,我们教育体系的现状引起了公众关注,为此对他应该给予嘉许。

    Professor Hirsch is to be commended for bringing the state of our educational system to public notice .

  2. 从他对那次会面的报告中可以明显看出你正把怀疑的焦点转向赫希先生。

    It seemed obvious from his report of that meeting that you were trying to focus suspicion on Mr Hirsch .

  3. 先天性巨结肠症(congenitalmegacolon)又称为赫希施普龙病(Hirschsprung'SDisease,HD)是一种比较常见的胃肠道畸形。

    Congenital megacolon is also called Hirschsprung 's disease , HD . It 's a common gastrointestinal abnormality in children .

  4. 地点好的房子,是经济学家佛瑞德•赫希(FredHirsch)所称的位置商品。

    Well located houses are what the economist Fred Hirsch called a positional good .

  5. 赫希第一次见到帕尔是在少女时代她跟父亲去纽约参加的一次LaPaulee勃艮第葡萄酒庆祝会上。

    Ms. Hirsch had first met Mr. Parr when her father brought her as a young woman to New York for the celebration of the wines of Burgundy , known as La Paulee .

  6. 赫希在纽约摩根大通(J.P.Morgan)工作过几年,后来搬回了西海岸,加入了家族企业。

    After several years at J.P. Morgan in New York , Ms. Hirsch had recently moved back to the West Coast to join the family business .

  7. 一天晚上在RN74时,她喝着一杯勃艮第酒问帕尔:“为什么我们在加州没有这样的葡萄酒?”帕尔说:“我们有的。”他给赫希介绍了Littorai和AuBonClimat等几种他觉得有着勃艮第风味的加州黑皮诺。

    Why don 't we have wines like this in California ? ' she asked him one night over a glass of Burgundy at RN74 . ' We do , ' he said . He introduced her to some of the California Pinots that he believed shared a Burgundian aesthetic , like Littorai and Au Bon Climat .

  8. 赫希先生,我不会打电话给社会服务中心的

    I 'm not going to call social services , Mr. Hershey .

  9. 赫希谈到了更多关于电厂节水的情况。

    Hirsch talked more about the efficient use of water at power plants .

  10. 赫希认为其部分原因在于农业进步和能源技术的发展。

    Hirsch said this can be attributed , in part , to advances in agriculture and energy .

  11. 他是位于美国芝加哥的嗅觉与味觉治疗研究基金会的神经学主任。通过计量炸薯片的消耗量,赫希做了有关看电视对味觉、嗅觉和饮食行为产生影响的研究。

    Hirsch explored the impact of smell , taste and eating behaviors while watching TV by measuring potato chip consumption .

  12. 「很多意想不到,充满幽默的演讲。」赫希补充。

    " A huge number of speeches focus on humor , which many people wouldn 't expect ," notes Hirsch .

  13. 赫希及其公司正致力于打破加州葡萄酒果味浓、橡木味浓和酒精度高的刻板形象。

    Ms. Hirsch and company are seeking to dismantle the stereotype of California wines as fruity , oaky and high in alcohol .

  14. 赫希称:视频点播将成为主要的收入增长源&不管是网上的视频点播,还是通过有线电视系统点播。

    Video-on-demand will be the main revenue driver – whether it 's internet VOD or cable television VOD , Mr Hirsch says .

  15. 招聘经理报告称,私募股权公司正在积极地为它们投资的公司物色管理精英。赫希说,这些岗位涉及所有行业,所有职能领域。

    Recruiters report that private equity firms are actively seeking management talent for their portfolio companies across all industries and all functional areas , says Hirsch .

  16. 招聘经理报告称,私募股权公司正在积极地为它们投资的公司物色管理精英。赫希说,这些岗位涉及“所有行业,所有职能领域”。

    Recruiters report that private equity firms are actively seeking management talent for their portfolio companies " across all industries and all functional areas , " says Hirsch .

  17. 赫希发现,与没看电视的时候相比,志愿者们在观看莱特曼的节目时平均多吃了44%的炸薯片,而在看莱诺的节目时则多吃了42%的炸薯片。

    Hirsch found people ate an average of44 percent more chips while watching Letterman and42 percent more while viewing Leno , than when they did not watch TV .

  18. 夫妻二人听说列格罗的研究时,马洛尼加入了研究,每个月开车三小时到赫希去服用帮助她排卵的药物。

    When the couple heard about Dr. Legro 's study , Ms. Maloney enrolled and drove three hours to Hershey once a month for drugs to help her ovulate .

  19. 赫希,为该分会的会长,领导该分会成为世界总会长杰出分会的荣衔。他说,分会提供了,一处暂时纾解国会令人窒息的工作节奏的地方。

    Hirsch , who as club president last year led the group to President 's Distinguished status , says the club provides a respite from the neck-breaking work pace in a congressional office .

  20. 阿兰-赫希是芝加哥气味治疗研究基地的神经学家,他说食物香气在食物气味中构成比重达75%到90%。

    Alan Hirsch , a neurologist at the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago , said aroma makes up between 75 and 90 percent of what we experience as food taste .

  21. 蔡克纳和赫希说,洗澡太频繁(特别是洗热水澡)会导致皮肤干燥和过敏;清洗掉皮肤本身就有的有益细菌;产生表皮裂纹,让你更容易受到感染。

    Zeichner and Hirsch say that showering too often ( particularly in hot water ) can dry out and irritate skin , wash away the good bacteria that naturally exists on your skin , and introduce small cracks that put you at a higher risk of infection 。

  22. 根据纽约西奈山医院皮肤病学助理教授舒亚·蔡克纳博士,洗澡的频率和我们认为的体香实际上更是一种文化现象。波士顿皮肤病学家博士赫希也有同感。

    According to Dr. Joshua Zeichner , assistant professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City , how frequently we shower and what we perceive as body odor is " really more of a cultural phenomenon 。 " Boston dermatologist Dr. Ranella Hirsch echoes this sentiment .