
  • 网络Hector;hectoring;Hektor
  1. 以接下来的一幕中赫克托尔吃了含有寄生虫的变质香肠为例。

    Consider an upcoming episode in which Hector eats bad sausage containing parasitic worms .

  2. 对虫子们来说,这是灭顶之灾,但对赫克托尔翻江倒海的胃来说,结局令人宽慰。

    A soothing end , not for the worms , but for Hector 's upset stomach .

  3. 血细胞经过赫克托尔的动脉时好像汽车一样飞驰而过,经过一个“路边”广告牌,上面写着“中耳需要安宁。”

    Blood cells race like cars through Hector 's arteries and past a " roadside " billboard reading " Peace for the Middle Ear . "

  4. 奥兹和德里克斯在赫克托尔的角膜后面成立了一家侦探事务所他们是“私人的眼睛”为的是确保他安全度过青春期。

    Ozzy and Drix set up a detective firm behind Hector 's cornea they 're " private eyes " to ensure him a safe adolescence .