
  • spoiler
  1. 剧透提醒《BJ单身日记》粉丝们要准备好纸巾了马克达西先生死了,这个全世界最有名的大龄剩女现在成了遗孀。

    Spoiler alert for Bridget Jones fans and tissues at the ready - Mark Darcy is dead and the world 's most famous singleton has become a widow .

  2. Spoiler用作“剧透”之意始于上世纪90年代,最初指透露电影或书籍情节的信息。

    This sense of spoiler has been around since the mid-1990s , and initially referred to pieces of information which reveal elements of the plot of a film or book .

  3. (==字数果然很少…内容很爆炸啊…B迷们~~)这条剧透是由TVLine网站的剧透专业人士MichaelAusiello爆料,虽然他不愿透露和Blair订婚的是哪位幸运儿。

    TV Line 's Michael Ausiello reports it matter-of-factly , although he won 't say who the lucky guy is .

  4. 警告:内含《权力的游戏》第八季第五集“TheBells”的完整剧透。

    Warning : Full spoilers below for Game of Thrones Season 8 , episode 5 , " The Bells . "

  5. 作为这个剧集的最后一季,HBO一直保持沉默不愿剧透,但这并没有阻止粉丝的各种推理。

    This being the final season , HBO has been reticent to reveal much about what to expect , but this hasn 't stopped fans from theorising .

  6. 上周我们发布的剧透中,透露了一些第六季将要发生什么的蛛丝马迹。(《绯闻女孩》终极剧透:B的选择S的堕落D的复仇)现在,CW电视台也发布了一些官方预告。

    The Gossip Girl Season 6 spoilers we posted last week offered some hints at what we can look forward to in the final chapter . Now the CW has issued an official press release as well .

  7. 关于桑德拉?布洛克(SandraBullock)和乔治?克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)主演的、以近地轨道和壮观的太空为背景的电影《地心引力》(Gravity),我透露一下该片情节与太空垃圾撞击太空船有关,想必不算严重剧透。

    I don 't think I 'm spoiling too many surprises when I reveal that the plot of the film Gravity , a low-orbit spectacular starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney , involves spacecraft getting hit by space debris .

  8. 极其推荐这部书----《ToTheSkyKindom》,轻松易读,不过如果你不想被剧透的话没必要一股脑看到结尾。

    I highly recommend reading the book , To the Sky Kingdom -- it 's a pretty easy read and you don 't have to finish it if you don 't want the story ruined .

  9. 就像在领英上面快速的翻新简介一样,Foss说雇主们可能也会关注你突然一下子从推送小猫的GIF图和权力的游戏的剧透到推送一些具有思考意义的产业专注内容,参加Twitter上面找工作聊天。

    Similar to quick LinkedIn overhauling , Foss says employers will likely notice if you abruptly go from tweeting cat GIFs and " Game of Thrones " spoilers to posting thoughtful , industry-focused content and participating in job-search Twitter chats .

  10. 当我们最后一次在Genovia离开米娅等人的时候——剧透警告——公主成功地保住了她的王位,并在与恋人(皇位竞争者)NicholasDevereaux经历了很多戏剧性的事情之后成为了女王。

    When we last left Mia etc in Genovia - SPOILER ALERT - the Princess managed to secure her right to the crown and was made Queen after a lot of drama with love interest ( and royal rival ) Nicholas Devereaux .

  11. 你能在不剧透情节的前提下给我大致概述下吗?

    Can you give me the rundown without spoiling the plot ?

  12. 你不觉得预告片剧透太多了吗?

    Do you find that there are too many trailers ?

  13. 剧透提醒:这可不是什么一般的水塘。

    Spoiler alert : This is not your average puddle .

  14. (接下来会有一些剧透,当心!)

    ( Several spoilers are about to come . Beware !)

  15. 但是我觉得剧透对我们的影响没那么大

    But I think our spoilers aren 't as big .

  16. 基本上书名就已经把故事结尾给剧透了

    The title kind of gives away the ending .

  17. 剧透能让我更加享受一个故事。

    Spoilers help enhance my enjoyment of a story .

  18. 剧透警告:猴子一看见啥就杀啥。

    Uh , spoiler alert : after the monkey sees , it kills .

  19. 警告!前方本季和前情高能剧透!

    Be warned , potential spoilers ( and spoilers of previous seasons ) ahead !

  20. (剧透警告)当然他们相爱了。

    ( Spoiler alert klaxon ) . They fell in love , of course .

  21. 当然,我是不会剧透的。

    Of course , I 'm not going to spoil it by telling you .

  22. 拉杰什:剧透警报,剧透警报。

    Rajesh : Spoiler alert ! Spoiler alert .

  23. 这位25岁的演员像我们透露了一些《绯闻女孩》的剧透。

    The 25-year-old actress spilled some CW secrets .

  24. 在这片报道里你不会遭到剧透。

    You won 't find any spoilers here .

  25. 当然我们不会也不能剧透啦。

    Of course we wouldn 't and couldn 't tell even if we knew .

  26. 剧透一下:它们与神、统治者和数字都有关系。

    Spoilers : it 's a mixture of gods , rulers , and numbers .

  27. 京晶:嘿,我以为你不会剧透给我呢!

    Hey , I thought you weren 't going to ruin it for me !

  28. 这段视频本身在网上广为流传,视频开始之前有剧透警告。

    The clip itself , widely disseminated online , is preceded by a spoiler warning .

  29. 警告:本文有轻微剧透内容

    Warning : This post contains mild spoilers

  30. 我们不打算剧透太多。

    We 're not going to dish too much more on this secret . 7 .