
  1. 有的论者也由此出发,批评它是情节剧小说模式的必然结果,它使小说的真实性大打折扣。

    Stemming from this opinion , some critics judge that it is an inevitable result of a melodrama and bound to weaken the authenticity of the story to a large extent .

  2. 适合于拍成电视剧的小说。

    A novel which lends itself well to dramatization for television .

  3. 国内很多电影、电视剧、小说中都设置了记者角色。

    Lots of films , teleplays and novels inland depicted various images of journalist .

  4. 这部电影将于本周末在有限范围内公映,将在10月23日进行更为广泛的公映。有关硅谷的电影、电视剧、小说及其他文化作品中在不断涌现,而该片是其中最成熟的一部。

    The film , which opens in limited release this weekend and more widely on Oct. 23 , is the most sophisticated take yet in a growing body of movies , TV shows , novels and other cultural takes on Silicon Valley .

  5. 她酷爱肥皂剧、浪漫小说和讲述美好爱情故事的电影。

    She loved soap operas , romance novels and movies with a good love story .

  6. 一种情节剧的平装小说。

    A melodramatic paperback novel .

  7. 穿越电影、穿越电视剧、穿越小说等共同的特点,是人物会不断地往来于不同的时空。

    Through films , through television dramas , through novels and other common characteristics of the people will continue to travel between different time .

  8. 电视剧根据魔幻传奇小说《冰与火之歌》(ASongofIceandFire)五部曲改编,小说作者乔治•马丁(GeorgeRRMartin)已经创造了一些单词。

    George RR Martin , author of the five volumes of A Song of Ice and Fire , the fantasy saga on which the TV series is based , had created some words already .

  9. BruceAitken说,最近热播的电视剧也使得原著小说销量猛增。

    Bruce Aitken says a recent hit TV series has also led to a surge in the sales of the book , on which it is based .

  10. 在追剧之前看看原著小说的话会很有意思。

    It 's really interesting when you read the novel before watching the movie .

  11. 卡德说,广播剧的基础和小说一样,但用料完全不同。

    Mr. Card says the radio play has the same premise as the novel , but consists of entirely new material .

  12. 他与私有媒体大亨的关系称得上十分有喜感,有着巴西肥皂剧或维多利亚时代小说中那种千丝万缕的纠葛。

    His links with private media barons are almost hilarious , featuring the manifold entanglements of a Brazilian soap opera or Victorian novel .

  13. 小说被改编成影视剧然后热销,小说进入影视文化产业链。

    The novels are adept to movies & TV plays and sell well . It has entered the industry chain of film-television culture .

  14. 这一类军旅题材电视剧和一些军旅小说、散文等共同诠释着战争与和平的主题,从多个角度折射出了当代中国社会的演进轨迹。

    This type of military dramas together with military novels and essays explain the theme of " war and peace " and reflect the change of Chinese society from many different viewpoints .

  15. 不过,我们也不要太过兴奋,因为除了存在很多人已经预测会发生的剧情外,这个人工智能算法还引入了一些令人意外的情节,它们绝对不会出现在电视剧或马丁的小说中。

    But in addition to backing up what many of us already suspect will happen , the AI also introduces some fairly unexpected plot turns that we 're pretty sure aren 't going to be mirrored in either the TV show or Martin 's books , so we wouldn 't get too excited just yet .

  16. 该剧的导演徐昂表示,该剧虽然本着还原小说情节的宗旨出发,但在制作过程中会尽可能避免一些不必要的血腥镜头。

    According to the show 's director Xu Ang , while the show is attempting to be realistic , the production team is doing what it can to avoid unnecessary bloody scenes .

  17. 在看过太多优秀的网络小说被翻拍电视剧毁掉后,我很高兴地看到,经过认真演绎和制作后,这部原著和编剧都是海晏的电视剧,将小说原汁原味地搬到了屏幕上。

    Having seen so many good online novels ruined by TV adaptations , I 'm happy to say that through the sincere dedication of the cast and crew , the original novel by Hai Yan , who is also the scriptwriter for the show , has been faithfully brought to the small screen .