
jìn dài wén xué
  • modern literature
  1. 西方文化的输入对中国近代文学产生了巨大影响。

    Western culture had a great influence on Chinese modern literature .

  2. 杂语并生多元共存&论中国近代文学观念的文化生态

    Analysis on the Ecology of Culture of Chinese Modern Literature 's ideas

  3. 戴乃迭的TheBorderTown广受英美读者好评,成功地传播了中国近代文学及文化。

    Gladys ' The Border Town is widely accepted by English readers , spreading Chinese contemporary literature and culture successfully .

  4. 论中国近代文学的本位性

    On one 's ownership of Chinese literature of modern times

  5. 试论中国近代文学精神

    A Tentative Reflection on the Spirit of Pre-modern Chinese Literature

  6. 东西方文化碰撞中的日本近代文学

    The Modern Literature of Japan in Collision Between Eastern Culture and Western

  7. 罗马在近代文学和评论中依然是富有侵略性的。

    Rome is still aggressive in modern literature and criticism .

  8. 中国近代文学理论批评文体的演进

    The Development of the Style of Modern Chinese Literary Criticism

  9. 走向西方的日本近代文学的起点&进化论与坪内逍遥的小说改良

    How Modern Japanese Literature Began Looking Toward the West

  10. 论近代文学变革的文化成因

    The Cultural Factors on Literature Transformation In Modern Times

  11. 卢梭:中国近代文学中的卡里斯马形象

    Rousseau : the Charisma Figure among Modern Chinese Literature

  12. 中国近代文学翻译与创作的历时研究

    Diachronic Study of Modern Chinese Translation and Creation

  13. 论西方近代文学中的超俗意识

    On the Creative Consciousness in Western Modern Literature

  14. 泰国近代文学的起因与发展

    The Origin and Development of Modern Thai Literature

  15. 浅析中国近代文学翻译之文化价值取向

    The cultural choice in modern Chinese literary translation

  16. 但对于进化论如何影响日本近代文学的确立这一问题若明若暗,如今,在日本文学界成为反思的一个焦点;

    But it is uncertain how this innovation affected the establishment of modern Japanese literature .

  17. 曾氏文学理论的形成,既植根于深厚的传统历史文化,也得益于变革的近代文学思潮。

    It was deeply rooted in traditional history and benefited from changeable modern literary trend .

  18. 陈子展先生与近代文学研究&试析他的两部近代文学史

    Professor CHEN Zi-zhan and Modern literature Studies

  19. 梁启超与中国近代文学革命

    Liang Qichao and Modern Chinese Literature Revolution

  20. 林纾是一位中国近代文学史上著名的文学家和翻译家。

    Lin Shu is a famous litterateur and translator in the modern Chinese literary history .

  21. 中国近代文学翻译的两个阶段

    On Two Stages of Modern Literary Translation

  22. 中国近世文学与近代文学

    Pre-modern Chinese Literature and Modern Chinese Literature

  23. 中国古代、近代文学研究

    Studies on Ancient and Contemporary Chinese Literature

  24. 雅集是近代文学社团南社的主要活动形式。

    The elegant meetings were the main activities of Nan Sheh , a contemporary literature organization .

  25. 中国近代文学观念之嬗变

    Evolution of Chinese Modern Literary Concept

  26. 而广东近代文学又反过来促进了海上丝路的发展和繁荣。

    On the contrary , the literature promotes the development and prosperity of the silk road .

  27. 清代常熟文学分清初和清中叶(晚清属近代文学)两个阶段。

    Changshu literature in Qing Dynasty fell into two periods : early Qing and mid Qing .

  28. 芥川龙之介是日本近代文学史上优秀的短篇小说作家之一。

    Ryunosuke Akutagawa is one of the excellent short story writers in Japanese modern literary history .

  29. 中国近代文学的变革,成因主要在于文化环境的变动。

    The transformation of Chinese literature in modern times is due to the changes of cultural surroundings .

  30. 中国近代文学社团和流派在文学的现代转化中有着突出的意义;

    In the modern turn of the Chinese literature , associations and schools played an outstanding role .