
jìn chéng dǎo dàn
  • short-range missiles
近程导弹 [jìn chéng dǎo dàn]
  • [short-range missile] 射程在1000公里以下的导弹

  1. 它们分别为洲际导弹、远程导弹、中程导弹、近程导弹。

    They are classified as intercontinental , long-range , medium-range and short-range missiles .

  2. 近程导弹捷联惯导系统初始对准方法与误差模型

    Method of initial alignments of a short range missile with strapdown inertial guidance system

  3. 近程导弹捷联惯导初始对准试验与仿真研究

    The Experiment and Simulation Research of Initial Alignment of the Strapdown Inertial Guidance System of Short Range Missile

  4. DF-15近程弹道导弹(SRBM)示范PLA进行对抗敌人陆地目标的远程精确打击能力。

    The DF-15 SRBM demonstrates the PLA 's capability to conduct long-range precision strike against enemy land targets .

  5. 为了解决近程防空导弹制导雷达实现全方位、高数据率跟踪多目标、截获跟踪多导弹遇到的资源紧张问题,提出了利用BD无源定位方案实现导弹自定位,提高导弹自定位精度的方法。

    To solve the resource problem of anti-missile radar omnidirectional and high data rate tracking targets , missile self-position technology to improve missile position precision based on the scheme of passive BD is put forward .

  6. 用于要地末端防御的现代近程防空导弹的需求分析

    Requirement analysis of modern short range air defence missiles for end defence

  7. 基于灰色聚类的低空近程地空导弹效能评估

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Low-level Short-range Ground-to-air Missile Based on Grey Cluster Ned to attack targets between long-range and short-range

  8. 因此,现代防空体系需要三种类型的防空导弹,这就是远程防空导弹、中程防空导弹和末端防御用近程防空导弹。

    Therefore , the modern air defence system needs three types air defence missiles , they are long , medium missile and short range missile for terminal phase defence .

  9. 小口径旋转弹多次在近现代战争中大显身手,且作为近程防空导弹在未来战争中有更大的发展空间。

    Small-caliber rotating projectile has shown their talents in recent years in modern warfare , and it will play a more important role in future war as a short-range air defense projectile .

  10. 中国大陆近程弹道导弹携带一枚重量一吨或半吨的弹头,而且被预计用来尽力削弱台湾地区的空军和海军,和攻击总部和通信目标。

    The Chinese missiles carry one ton or half ton warheads , and were expected to be used to try and cripple Taiwanese air force and navy , as well as attacking headquarters and communications targets .

  11. 近程高超音速导弹弹翼热结构耦合分析

    Thermal-structural coupling analysis on wing short-range hypersonic missile

  12. 近程点防御导弹编队反导弹综合火力运用

    Comprehensive Fire Application for Antimissile Ability of Short-range and Point Defense Ship to Air Missile in Ship Formation

  13. 在中近程反坦克导弹红外制导系统中,图像分割的结果更注重于目标的位置信息。

    The position information of targets is important in the image guidance systems of middle / short-range anti-tank missiles .

  14. 研究了近程空舰导弹两种飞行方案的设计及弹道计算方法,并以某型导弹为例进行了计算。

    Two flight plannings and trajectory calculation method of short-range air-to-ship missile are studied . Calculation for certain missile as an example is made .

  15. 讨论了地基拦截弹对真目标(中近程弹道式导弹)进行拦截时的制导方案。

    This paper studies the guidance scheme of the interception missile to intercept the actual target which is an intermediate or short range ballistic missile .

  16. 根据反舰导弹的作战运用特点及近程点防御导弹武器系统的战术技术性能,分析研究了舰艇编队的对空防御队形、编队反导弹最小预警距离。

    According to operational characteristics of antiship missile and the tactical technical performance of short range and point defense missile weapon systems , the station of air defence and the early warning least distance of antimissile in ship formation are analyzed .