
  1. 天津近代邮政的产生及其发展研究(1878-1928)

    Study on Tianjin Postal Service Origination and Development ( 1878-1928 )

  2. 而清政府的固守成规,只是延缓了近代邮政的发展,但不能阻挠其发展的趋势。

    But the government of Qing Dynasty was so conservative as to delay the process .

  3. 中国近代邮政的创办是中国走向近代社会的重要一步。

    The establishment of Chinese modern postal service signified a big step toward Chinese modernization .

  4. 海关与中国近代邮政的创办史

    The Establishment of Chinese Modern Postal Service

  5. 这为我们深入了解中国近代邮政提供了一个重要的窗口。

    This provides us an important window to have deeper understanding on the modern postal service of China .

  6. 近代邮政是由国家创办并专营的全国性机构,利用各种运输工具,以信息传递为目的的行业。

    Modern postal service , as a national organization and state monopoly , founded by state , made use of different means of transportation , is an industry with information transmission as purpose .

  7. 近代邮政实现统一并取得一定的发展,促进了国民经济的发展、推动了文化的传播、便利了民众的生活。

    It is promoted the development of the national economy and dissemination of the culture , facilitated the lives and activities of the people for the unification and development of the modern Chinese post .

  8. 晚清政府及一些开明人士通过开办文报局、改驿归邮等尝试,企图建立受清政府掌控的近代邮政系统,尽管这种尝试都以失败而告终。

    While the Qing government and some enlightened person had tried to establish the modern post system by opening the Wen-pao-chu , translating I-chan to post office , although these attempts ended in failure .

  9. 从1994年以来,我国近代邮政史的研究取得了长足的进展,其探讨的内容主要集中在与外国的关系、地方邮政及邮政近代化等三个方面。

    Since 1994 , the research on modern history of post in our country has gained quite great progress . The discussion has focused on the relation with foreign countries , between local post systems and its modernization .

  10. 法国与近代中国邮政述论

    On the relations between France and the modern China-post

  11. 邮票作为邮资付费的手段,它的存在是伴随着近代中国邮政而产生的。

    As one of the postage paying ways , stamp is being as the creation of modern Chinese post .

  12. 近代安徽邮政共经历了四个发展时期,即大清邮政、北洋军政府时期邮政、南京国民政府统治时期和战时邮政时期。

    The modern postal experienced a total of four stages in Anhui , namely the Qing Dynasty Post , China Post , Nanjing national government period and the wartime postal period .

  13. 近代中国的邮政人事制度是一种资本主义的人事制度。

    The personnel system of postal service in modern China is a kind of capitalistic personnel system .

  14. 随着人类文明的演进,近代以来,邮政的职能逐渐转变,最终形成近代邮政的运行模式。

    With the development of human civilization , the function of post gradually changed , and eventually turned into the operation mode of modern postal service .

  15. 晚清邮政近代化是中国邮政事业发展的必然结果,也是挽回中国利权的必要举措之一。

    Modernized post of the late Qing Dynasty is the inevitable outcome of China Post'development , and also a necessary measure to retrieve sovereign rights .