
  • 网络Book Chat;book talk
  1. 论现代书话的概念与文体特征

    On the Concept and Style Characteristics of Modern Remarking on Books

  2. 书话是现代文学中重要的文学创作现象。

    Remarking of Books is the important literary creation phenomenon in modern literature .

  3. 书话体散文是周作人追寻已久的生命文体,是他心中真正自由的个性散文。

    Zhou Zuoren s prose in remarking on books possesses an obivious characteristic of dialogue .

  4. 伴随着近现代以来东西方文化碰撞、新文化运动兴起及其对传统文化由盲目否定到理性反思的全过程,现代书话得以萌生并逐渐发展。

    Modern Remarking of Books sprouts and develops gradually in modern times with the entire process , during which Eastern and Western cultures collide , the New Culture Movement emerges , and its attitude towards traditional culture changes from blindly denying to rational reconsidering .