
  1. 其作品曾荣获日本NOMACONCOURS国际图书插图优秀奖,第4届和第5届全国书籍装帧艺术展览获金、银奖。

    His works won the excellence prize of Japanese NOMA CONCOURS International Book Illustration Award , gold prize and silver prize of the4th and5th National Book Binding Art Exhibition .

  2. 浅谈书籍装帧艺术中的美感

    On the Senseof Beauty in the Art of Book Binding and Layout

  3. 谈中国书籍装帧艺术的发展

    On the Development of the Finding and Layout of Books in China

  4. 图像·色彩·材料·风格&论书籍装帧艺术设计的构成因素

    Pictures , Colors , Materials , Styles & On the formative elements of books-design

  5. 气韵生动论在书籍装帧艺术中的地位

    The Role of the Theory of Vivid Charm in the Design Arts of Books

  6. 明代晚期市井文化与书籍装帧艺术风格的发展

    The Street Culture of Late Ming Dynasty and the Development of Art Style in Book Design

  7. 书籍装帧艺术随着书籍的诞生而产生,以其独特的审美价值,随着时代的进步而不断发展。

    Books physical make-up was born along with the birth of books , and is developing with the progress of times .

  8. 本文从明代晚期市井文化入手,就市井文化对当时书籍装帧艺术风格的影响作一探讨。

    This thesis focuses particularly on the manifold impact of street culture in late Ming Dynasty in regard to the art style of book design .

  9. 由此可以得出结论:书籍装帧艺术从技术讲究到艺术追求,再到文化体现,是历史的趋向,也是时代的呼唤,更是人类精神发展的内在逻辑。

    The conclusion is : book design art is a historical trend , the need of time , and the internal logic of human mind evolution .

  10. 互动性将是艺术家未来致力的方向,而书籍装帧艺术的发展也越来越多的重视互动元素的参与,让书籍生动的与读者进行对话,进行沟通。

    Interactive artist is committed to the future direction of development of graphic art more and more attention to participate in the interactive element , books and readers of the lively dialogue , communicate .

  11. 以传统黑茶文化为灵魂,结合湖湘地域文化特色和书籍装帧艺术,展现给消费者一种潇湘印象&安化黑茶的视觉冲击。

    Based on the traditional tea culture as the soul , combined with the characteristics of regional culture and the art of book binding , to show consumers a " Xiaoxiang impression " & Anhua tea visual impact .

  12. 中国传统书籍装帧艺术在书籍装帧设计史上占有重要的地位。两千多年以来,中国书籍装帧艺术在长期的演变过程中,逐渐形成了古朴、简洁、典雅、实用的东方特有的特点。

    China traditional books physical make-up has an important position in make-up design history . For more than 2000 years , China books physical make-up has formed characteristics like simple and unsophisticated , elegant and practical which are unique in eastern countries .

  13. 城市商业化进程带来了社会成员思想观念的变化,形成了符合这种环境的新的行业生产方式,也创造了具有地方特色、影响深远的书籍装帧艺术形式。

    The progression of the city commercialization has brought about changes in the minds of social members , resulted in a new trade mode of production in accordance with this environment , and created the influential artistic form of block printing of books with local characteristics .

  14. 这一时期的书籍封面装帧艺术得到了很大的发展。

    At that time the packs art of the book 's cover got very big development .

  15. 本文借鉴了书籍装帧学、艺术形态学等相关理论,并分析了目前书籍装帧设计的实际状况,阐述了作者对于构建书籍装帧设计形态学的思考。

    This paper mainly elaborates the thinking on the construction of book design morphology , based on the analysis of the current situation of book design and on the research of relative theories such as book design and art morphology .

  16. 设计师应建立动态的装帧设计观,设计出具有中国特色、时代特色的书籍,使书籍装帧艺术上升到一个新的层次。

    Therefore we should establish a tri-dimensional and dynamic new bookbinding concept that can make the bookbinding art go up to a new level .

  17. 没有快艇比得上书籍书籍装帧的版面设计艺术

    Page design art for book decoration

  18. 只有做到书籍的内容与形式及材质的融会贯通、相辅相成,才能全方位地体现书籍装帧设计艺术的和谐之美。

    Only integrates the content , form and material of the books can it reflect harmonious beauty of design arts of book bindings from all aspects .