
  1. 歙县牌坊不仅具有独特的建筑风格及巧妙的构造,还融合了精美的石雕艺术、细腻的绘画手法、优雅的匾联文辞和别具神韵的书法篆刻等多种艺术手段。

    The SheXian Archway not only has special architecture style and artful construction , but also combines many artistic instruments such as fancy stone carving , exquisite painting ploy , gentler plaque diction and wonderful calligraphy .

  2. 是我国20世纪著名画家和书法篆刻家。

    Is a famous painter of the20th century , and calligraphy and seal .

  3. 他幼年时生活清苦,酷爱读书,喜欢书法篆刻。

    He lived a poor life in his childhood and developed interests in reading , calligraphy and seal cutting .

  4. 定程度上,其书法篆刻艺术决定了其紫砂艺术的成就。

    To a certain extent , the prime determinant of his Yixing artistic achievements is his calligraphy and seal cutting art .

  5. 明代中期著名的书法篆刻家文徵明的长子文彭,深受其父文徵明的影响。

    Ming and the famous calligraphy and seal the eldest son of Wen Zheng Wen Peng , Wen Zheng-ming of by his father .

  6. 本文对《中国图书馆图书分类法》“J”类中,把“美术字写法”纳入“书法、篆刻”类目提出了不同的看法,阐述了自己的观点并拟定了粗略的分类框架。

    The present paper puts forward different view on the bringing of the art lettering into the class heading of penmanship and seal cutting under the " J " classed catalogue of the Chinese Library Classification , and elaborates a point of view , drafting a rough classification frame .

  7. 相反,我们视觉艺术院并没有书法或篆刻的主修课程。

    By contrast , there is no Calligraphy or Seal Engraving major at AVA .

  8. 论书法与篆刻艺术

    On the Art of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting

  9. 书法、篆刻对设计的影响&设计与中国元素;

    Calligraphy and seal influenced on the design & design and the Chinese symbol ;

  10. 作为艺术品,印章的好坏看其构图、书法和篆刻者的刀法,能否显出优雅而具活力的效果。

    As works of art , seals are examined for their composition , their calligraphy , and the engraver 's artful handwork in its effects of vigor and grace .

  11. 由于书画同源,以及两者在达意抒情上都和骨法用笔、线条运行有着紧密的联结,因此绘画同书法、篆刻之间有着密切的联系。

    As homologous paintings , as well as two in the lyric to convey his ideas on all of a pen and bone lines running close association , painting with calligraphy , seal carving has maintained close ties .

  12. 论文从实施普通高中新课程改革的背景、目标和主要内容切入,阐述了新课改增设书法、篆刻科目的目的和意义。

    From the study of implementation of the new curriculum reform of average high school background , aims and main content , expounds the into the curriculum reform of adding calligraphy and seal cutting subjects purpose and meaning .

  13. 文中对于印用篆文书写性的注入的肯定以及印家以个性书风入印的强调,旨在推崇书法对于篆刻艺术的基础性地位。

    The thesis affirms the role of calligraphy in seal cutting and makes emphasis on the influence of calligrapher 's styles in that art , with aim to value the calligraphy 's fundamental status in the art of seal cutting .

  14. 本文将赵之谦的生平、书法、篆刻、绘画、诗文著述分为五章,结合具体的作品,对其艺术风格的演变过程进行了详细的论述。

    The thesis divides into such five chapters as the life story , his handwritings , the seal cuttings , the paintings and his poetry , expounds particularly the evolvement of his artistic styles by way of combining with his particular works .

  15. 目的深入了解掌握书法艺术与篆刻艺术的同与异、共性与个性。

    Intention : Profound recognition on art of calligraphy and seal cutting 's similarity and difference , commonality and individuality ;

  16. 他精通书法、绘画、篆刻、诗联,具有渊博的文化艺术造诣,是一位敢为天下先的艺术开拓者。

    With profound attainments of culture and arts , as an art explorer , Shi Xiang is accomplished in calligraphy , painting , seal cutting and poems .