
  1. 你没办法对瞎子谈书法之美;也没办法对聋子描述音乐之雅。

    You can 't depict the beauty of calligraphy to the blind and can 't describe elegance of music to the deaf .

  2. 本文探讨了汉字的造字方法之美、文化意蕴之美和书法艺术之美。

    This essay describes the beauty on the method of making character , and its cultural meaning , writing art .

  3. 分析书法中和之美的形成与表现形式,阐述中和之美对书法学习的指导作用有助于理解传统、把握传统、继承传统。

    Analysing the forming of the aesthetics and the forms of expression and expounding the instructive effect of neutralization aesthetics on calligraphy learning helps to understand , grasp and inherit the tradition .