
  • 网络Calligraphy and Painting Appraisal;Appraisal of Calligraphies and Paintings
  1. 对书画鉴定学科建设问题的几点思考

    Thinking on the Academic Development of Calligraphy and Painting Appraisal

  2. 文件检验技术与书画鉴定

    On the document inspection and writing and painting inspection

  3. 中国书画鉴定因素构成述略

    Factors in Identification of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

  4. 此外,这些作品还具有书画鉴定“标准器”的作用。

    The works will also serve as a standard with which to judge the authenticity of Chinese art works .

  5. 本文从故宫最新购藏的隋人《出师颂》入手,探讨了由其引发的对古书画鉴定诸问题。

    The author discusses questions of the authentication of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting occasioned by the recent purchase by the Palace Museum of Chu Shi Song .

  6. 中心已在中国艺术研究所培养以中国书画鉴定为研究方向的博士生和硕士生各一名。

    And up to now , one doctoral student and one graduate student have got their degree in the orientation of appraisal from the Chinese Arts Institute .

  7. 书画鉴定家们在不断的研究和学术争论中,凸现了各自特征鲜明的鉴定方法,进而形成各种极具影响力的当代书画鉴定学派。

    Painting appraisers highlighted their distinctive identification methods in constant research and academic debates , and thus formed a variety of the most influential contemporary paintings identification schools .

  8. 我国的书画鉴定工作一直沿袭传统的鉴定方式,在很大程度上依靠鉴定者的经验和主观意识。

    In our country , the inspection for the writing and painting follows the traditional methods , which depends on the experience and subjective idea in great degree .

  9. 从魏晋南北朝有关于书画鉴定行为的文献记载算起,中国书画鉴定经历了上千年的历史。

    From documented acts of paintings and calligraphy identification in the Wei , Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties , Chinese paintings and calligraphy identification has undergone thousands of years .

  10. 直到民国时期,中国书画鉴定受到西方文化和思想的冲激,在理论研究方式和思想观念上都开始有了转型的迹象。

    It was not until the Republic of China when the theoretical research methods and concepts were beginning to have signs of transformation . This was mostly due to the impact of the Western culture and thinking .