
liè rù
  • Inclusion;be listed/placed/included in
  1. 她因受伤而未被列入队员名单。

    She 's been dropped from the team because of injury .

  2. 人们感到惊讶,史密斯竟未列入该队。

    People were surprised that Smith was omitted from the team .

  3. 他已被列入斯坦福大学的美式足球奖学金等候者名单。

    He 's been wait-listed for a football scholarship to Stanford .

  4. 这没有列入她最优先考虑办理的事项。

    It did not figure high on her list of priorities .

  5. 哪些部门被列入了政府要整顿的机构名单?

    Which services are on the government 's hit list ?

  6. 整排房子均列入拆除计划。

    The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition .

  7. 她未列入该编组使大家感到惊讶。

    Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad .

  8. 每个学生的总分都已计算出来并列入表中。

    Each student 's points were totalled and entered in a list .

  9. 这几本书亟须列入最受读者喜爱的书目之中。

    These books scream out to be included in a list of favourites .

  10. 你把我列入这次旅行的名单了吗?

    Have you got me down for the trip ?

  11. 被列入布克小说作品奖决选名单后,他知道自己成功了。

    He knew he had arrived when he was shortlisted for the Booker prize .

  12. 我们未把他列入名单。

    We left him off the list .

  13. 她为这出戏准备服装,被列入剧目制作人员名单。

    She was given a programme credit for her work on the costumes for the play .

  14. 现时没有空位,但我会把你列入等候者名单的。

    There are no places available right now but I 'll put you on a waiting list .

  15. 她的名字未列入电话号码簿。

    She 's ex-directory .

  16. 马其顿问题没能列入议事日程。

    The Macedonian question had failed to get on to the agenda

  17. 她去年被列入了一线队初选名单。

    She was long-listed for the senior team last year .

  18. 非常庞大的裁员开支已被列入预算。

    The really heavy redundancy costs have been accounted for .

  19. 他被列入新年受勋者名册,获授英帝国勋章。

    He has been made an MBE in the New Year Honours list .

  20. 人们期望总统把这一意见列入他的教育计划当中。

    The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan .

  21. 牛津联足球俱乐部已把两名中场球员列入转会名单。

    Oxford United have transfer-listed two midfield players .

  22. 除非你住在已列入文保名录的建筑或古建保护区之内,否则应该不需要申请规划许可。

    You probably won 't need to apply for planning permission unless you live in a listed building or conservation area .

  23. 把这些费用归并列入“杂费”项内。

    Please lump all these items together under the heading “ incidental expenses ” .

  24. 这船列入二级。

    The ship rates as second .

  25. 任何不称职的人均列入“编外”。

    Anyone who is not qualified for his or her job should be categorised “ off-staff ” .

  26. 研究小组预备了议员们列入日程的草案。

    Research groups prepare the draft bills tabled by parliamentary representatives .

  27. 他们把两个标本列入同类。

    They classed two specimens together .

  28. 当游客挤走当地人时,威尼斯将面临被列入“濒危”名单

    As Tourists Crowd Out Locals , Venice Faces ' Endangered ' List

  29. 鸽子经常被视为很脏的鸟类和城市公害,但是它们最近刚刚被列入有能力帮助人类的动物行列中的一员。

    Pigeons are often seen as dirty birds and an urban   nuisance , but they are just the latest in a long line of animals that have been found to have abilities to help humans .

  30. 但将威尼斯列入联合国教科文组织濒危名单——这一名单主要被发展中国家和冲突缠身的国家所占据将会是一个国际尴尬局面,甚至可能会伤害意大利有利可图的旅游业。

    But adding Venice to the UNESCO endangered list — which is dominated by sites in developing and conflict-ridden countries — would be an international embarrassment , and could even hurt Italy 's profitable tourism industry .