
  • 网络Train braking device;train brake equipment
  1. 列车制动装置是列车安全运行最重要的部分之一,直接影响着铁路提速和重载进程的实现。

    The brake equipment of trains is one of the most important parts of the safe operation , which can limit the processing of the realization of the heavy haul railway and high-speed train .

  2. 组合列车操纵和制动控制装置及技术的研究

    Operation and Brake Control Devices and Technical Studies of Unit Trains

  3. 准高速旅客列车车辆电空制动装置的结构及试验分析

    Increasing Speed of Trains Running on Busy Trunk Line The Structure of Electro-pneumatic Braking Equipment on Cars of Quasi high Speed Passenger Trains and the Testing Analysis

  4. 一方面,列车时速的提高,对传统的列车基础制动装置及车辆制动系统技术提出了更新观念、引进先进技术的客观要求。

    On one hand , the objective requirements of updated concept of technology and advanced technology on the basis of the traditional train brake and vehicle braking systems are present with the improvement of train speed .