- 网络border management;border control;Border Administration

Authorities will create a database of illegal Chinese emigrants and share that information with counterparts in other countries , " who then will take measures to tighten border management to prevent them from entering , " said a senior official at the Ministry of Public Security , who requested anonymity .
Vietnam . Japanese . British and French representations shape frequently , the growing proliferation of border disputes , thus forming a characteristic Yunnan Foreign Affair and border management system .
In London 's Chinatown , businesses have become the target of regular raids by a UK Border Agency that is clamping down on illegal workers .
MPs have launched a scathing attack on the UK Border Agency over its failure to prevent people abusing the student visa system to enter the country illegally .
The agency was already under heavy scrutiny after last week stripping London Metropolitan University of its right to admit non-EU students because of its alleged failures to monitor foreign students properly .
The UK Border Agency said it was " important " that the UK sent out the message that it welcomes all genuine visitors and exercises strict controls over those who seek to abuse the system .
Nativists fret about America 's inability to secure its own borders .
Stricken boundary administration and control the channel of trans - territory crime ;
Another danger is that a worthy experiment with risk-based border controls will perish .
In pace with strengthening their economic and political links , corresponding border administrative systems were forming .
Borders are porous and restrictions on the movement of people and poultry are difficult to enforce .
Where any abuse of the system is detected , the UK Border Agency will take swift action .
We also hope people from both countries abide by law to safeguard order and stability in border areas .
Last month they went on strike for two hours in protest against a crackdown on illegal workers by the UK Border Agency .
Yet this decision will have big consequences , and not just for those thousands of perfectly legitimate students whose future has been thrown into doubt .
We 're providing more resources at the border to help law enforcement personnel stop illegal crossings , and send home those who do cross over .
The United Kingdom 's Immigration and Borders Agency has published a consultation paper that proposes to cut the validity period of British visit visas by50 % .
He is also calling for closer cooperation on law enforcement , management of border areas , terrorism and transnational crime as well as cultural and education exchanges .
MPs also criticised its decision to rely on visa letters to guarantee that students were being sponsored throughout their courses , which they said were easily forged .
To ease this situation the State Department will try to expedite the processing of visas , and additional customs and border control personnel will be deployed to airports .
" To create a bi-national border authority where they would craft policies together ," she said . " Making it more systematic and institutionalizing it would have greater benefits . "
The committee was especially critical of the agency for removing the power of clearance officers to assess applicants ' intentions on paper and , in some cases , by interview .
MS Blears and Mr Byrne will both call for stronger borders , through a single border force , but also restate efforts to make immigrants learn English and become better " citizens " .
Second , from my reading of the newspapers the agency has suffered a lot more strife than success in 2011 , and third , an agenda is something for discussion , not for delivery .
Under the new transparent system , Chinese students will need to prove that they have been accepted onto a course run by a education institution which is licensed by the UK Border Agency ( UKBA ) .
It undertakes the central duties and responsibilities of the border control as well as the local duties and responsibilities which are mainly about the maintenance of the social security administration and the economics and society development in the border areas .
They say the number of raids has increased recently , counting 13 in the six weeks leading up to the protest , and worry that when UKBA officers lock down an establishment , it puts off customers and tarnishes the community 's reputation .
The border administration also tries to facilitate tourist cooperation of two countries .
This paper does not agree with some scholars . I think it is not necessary to formulate unified border trade regulations by the State Council .
UK Border Agency staff will be able to refuse entry to students who cannot speak English without an interpreter , and who therefore clearly do not meet the minimum standard .