
  • 网络Genre;literature;literary genre
  1. 讽刺感受来自席勒提出的两种文类规范。

    Satirical feeling comes from two kinds of the genre norms proposed by Schiller .

  2. 女勇士的自传&论《女勇士》的文类

    Autobiography of " the Woman Warrior " & On the Genre of The Woman Warrior

  3. 讽刺文类具有粗鄙性、混合性和对话性的特征。

    Satirical genre has a vulgar nature , mixed and dialogic characteristics .

  4. 语:一种古老的文类&以言类之语为例

    Saying as an ancient category of discourse : focusing on the proverb

  5. 诸替代范畴与文类之间并不存在谁替代谁的生死存亡问题。

    There is no life-and-death problem between those substitution categories and genres .

  6. 科学幻想小说是兴起于现当代西方的一种文类。

    Science Fiction is a literary genre originated in contemporary western countries .

  7. 科幻小说是大众文学中一个重要的文类,它关注科学进步给人类带来的巨大影响。

    Science fiction is an important genre of popular literature .

  8. 文类间的转换和戏仿&贝克特的小说与戏剧

    The Transformation and Parody of Genres : Beckett 's Fiction and Drama

  9. 古代东方文学民族意识的文类考察

    Style Study of Nationality Awareness in the Ancient Oriental Literature

  10. 散文诗的文类批评一类数的整除特征

    On the Generic Criticism of Prose Poem The Characteristic of A Class Number

  11. 在英语教材中故事文类往往占有很大的比重。

    In English textbooks there is usually a large proportion of this genre .

  12. 城市、乡村与西方田园诗&对一种文类现象语境的考古学描述

    The City , The Country and Western Pastoral Poetry

  13. 他们对时间的重组增加了传记这一特殊文类的文学性。

    By regrouping of time they have improved the literariness of this particular genre-biography .

  14. 论鲁迅《野草》文类的传统渊源

    An Inquiry into the Traditional Origins of the Genre for Lu Xun 's Weeds

  15. 中英古典诗歌文类比较&对缺类现象的探讨

    The Comparison Between Chinese and British Poetry in Genre & On Genre Lacking Phenomenon

  16. 由此分析教育随笔的文类特征。

    In addition , the characteristic of the literature types about educational assays was analyzed .

  17. 散文诗的文类批评

    On the Generic Criticism of Prose Poem

  18. 感受的文类规范是对历时性文类规范的理论校正。

    The feeling of genre norm is a theory of calibration of diachronic genre norm .

  19. 鲁迅对于小说这一文类的评点和认识,历来为研究者所重视。

    Lu Xun for novel criticism and understanding , has paid great attention to the researchers .

  20. 中国早期女作家自传写作及其文类意识的自觉

    The Chinese Earlier Period Woman Writer Autobiography Writes and It Text Consciousness of Aware of Self

  21. 但是,该小说的文类归属却仍是批评家们评论的焦点之一。

    But the genre of this story is still one of the focuses of literary criticism .

  22. 研究小品文的文类文体的构成、继承和借鉴因素。

    The composition of the familiar text and literary style of the legacies of factors are studied .

  23. 较之于其它的大众文类,它又通过其形象的塑造与故事的讲述,体现出更多对于现实问题的思索。

    Compare with other popular literature , science fiction considers more realistic problem by image-building and narration .

  24. 从文类划分看以流派定位作家的传统较大宗教流派的再分。

    Rethinking Authorial Categorization by Literary School from Genre Division ; a subdivision of a larger religious group .

  25. 上古“言”和“语”是两种不同的文类。

    In pre-qin dynasty ," the word " and " the saying " were two different kind articles .

  26. 汤亭亭的代表作《女勇士》的文类一直是评论界争论的焦点之一。

    The genre of Maxine Hong Kingstons work , The Woman Warrior , has been the focus of criticism .

  27. 本文拟从小说文体入手,对19世纪以前的中西游历小说展开文类学的平行研究。

    Starting with this , My thesis intend to do some analogy studies of china-west traveling novels before19th century .

  28. 中国科幻小说作为一个域外引进的文类,已走过了百年历程。

    As a literature variety introduced from abroad , Chinas science fiction has experienced a course of a century .

  29. 失去了文体特征规范的散文,对其文类特征及其内部各亚文学样式的研究,应成为眼下散文理论研究的当务之急。

    Now , the study about essay 's species character and interior sub-literary modes , should becomes the urgent affairs .

  30. 这种玄幻小说产生前的中国网络幻想小说本是网络文学中的边缘文类,以电脑游戏小说为主。

    Before its ' appearance , the online fantasy novels ( mainly computer game novels ) were not very popular .