
wén gōng tuán
  • song and dance ensemble;art troupe;cultural troupe
文工团 [wén gōng tuán]
  • [song and dance ensemble;art troupe] 从事文艺演出的团体

文工团[wén gōng tuán]
  1. 文工团常年在边防部队流动。

    The art troupe is always on the move in frontier guards .

  2. 杨林川称,刘如生有一种名人气质,因为他以前在文工团工作。

    ' He has an air of celebrity , as he worked in an art troupe before , ' Mr. Yang said .

  3. 他们组建了一个业余文工团。

    They set up an amateur art ensemble .

  4. 他们观看了延安的一个文工团表演民间舞蹈。

    They watched a Yan'an cultural troupe perform folk dances .

  5. 我和李淑君是战旗文工团的战友,我是她的歌迷,更是她的崇拜者。

    I and Li Shujun is senki Backstage comrades , I 'm her fans , is an admirer of her .

  6. 贺冰新,原铁道文工团歌唱演员,1990年留学英国,主修流行音乐。

    He , a former singer in China Railway Art Troupe , has studied in the United Kingdom majoring in pop music .

  7. 最显著的一方面是从早期的展示部队医院以及文工团的生活转为对繁华都市的描摹。

    The most significant aspect is the display from the early life of military hospitals and the art troupe to the situation of bustling city .

  8. 在郭科会的人生工作岗位上,他总是谦虚近人、积极上进、任劳任怨,很快就成为了部队文工团的骨干。

    Guo Science Council of the life in the workplace , he is always humble neighbor , ambitious , hard working , quickly became the backbone of the army art troupe .

  9. 内蒙古文工团的成立开创了内蒙古地区文化事业的新篇章,也为这片古老土地的艺术领域注入了新鲜血液。

    The Inner Mongolia Art Troupe initiated the new chapter of culture business of the Inner Mongolia region , and it also injected fresh blood for this old land at arts fields .

  10. 早在解放战争时期,著名马头琴演奏家、潮尔大师色拉西在内蒙古文工团教出了桑都仍这样杰出的马头琴演奏家,为马头琴艺术的发展做出贡献。

    In the early period of the liberation war , the famous cello virtuoso , choir master salad West in Inner Mongolia Art Troupe taught out of mulberry is such an outstanding music performer , to contribute to the development of music art .