
  • 网络written propaganda
  1. 此外,文字宣传,如写标语等,也尽力在做。他们尽全力宣传这首新歌。

    In addition , we do as much written propaganda as possible , for instance , painting slogans They try their best to plug the new song .

  2. 经过改组,协会组织机构增多,活动形式丰富多彩,文字宣传、直观宣传和口头宣传等形式对增进中苏友谊起了至关重要的作用。

    Association agencies increased and the form of action became more colorful . The written propaganda , direct-viewing propaganda and oral propaganda played an important role in promoting Sino-Soviet friendship .

  3. 文字宣传包括报纸、小报、传单、黑板报和标语等。

    Literal propaganda included newspapers , flyers , bulletin boards and posters .

  4. 文字宣传中,为了形象化和易理解,在文字上加入美术画。

    In the literal propaganda , the vivid paintings were added to written material so that propaganda contents were comprehended easily .

  5. 第三章,着重对宣传动员中所采取的文字宣传、语音宣传和形象宣传等方式进行历史考察。

    The third part , the text focuses on propaganda and mobilization for the promotion of Historical Survey of text advertising speech advocacy and image advertising .

  6. 在市场竞争的引领之下,广告业的发展从最初单一的文字宣传到如今聘请广告代言人为产品呐喊助威,其多样化和新型化的表现模式日新月异。

    Under the guidance of the market competition , from the original text to hire spokesmen , the performance of the diversification of advertising industry has become more changeable .

  7. 方法制定培训计划,采取集体讲课、影像教学、临床护理查房、现场指导、知识竞赛、文字宣传等多种形式对护士进行培训。

    Methods The training plan made , the nurses were trained using the forms of collective attendance of class , imaging teaching , round-up for clinical nursing , on-the-spot instruction , knowledge contest , literal propaganda .

  8. 孙中山提倡采用学校教育、社会教育、统一语言文字和思想宣传等方式去凝聚社会力量,整合社会资源。

    He advocated gathering the social strength and reconstruction social resources by the way of schooling , social education , unifying language and thought propaganda , eta cetera .