
  • 网络style;genre
  1. 海明威以独特的文体风格著称于世。

    Hemingway is famous for his unique style in the world .

  2. 从《北回归线》看亨利·米勒的文体风格

    Analyzing Henry Miller 's Literary Style from Tropic of Cancer

  3. 新型集成以太网接口的PLC论词的文体风格

    A New - style PLC Integrated with Ethernet Interface

  4. 论文首先对该领域的相关术语逐一做出解释并指明了论文的具体研究对象,对当前国内外在EST及英文设备使用说明书的文体风格的研究现状进行了总结。

    First of all , this thesis focuses on some definitions in EST in detail and points out the research target . Current research status about stylistic features of English instruction for instruments at home and abroad is reviewed in the first chapter .

  5. 这场运动推动了立法语言的文体风格及措词造句的巨大变化。

    The movement pushes forward the stylistic changes of legal documents .

  6. 《老子》的文体风格是长江文风形成的一个标志。

    The style of Laozi is a symbol of Yangtze literary style .

  7. 他的作品具有独特的文体风格和鲜明的语言特色。

    His language has a unique style and distinctive features .

  8. 论奥巴马总统竞选获胜演讲的文体风格

    On the Style of Obama 's Presidential Election Victory Speech

  9. 这与政治语篇客观,严谨的文体风格是分不开的。

    This is contributed to the objective and rigorous style of political texts .

  10. 文章重点考察在连字句使用过程中所受到几种影响因素,其中包括地域因素、个人风格和文体风格等。

    Those factors contains of district ingredient , individual style and article style .

  11. 这种文体风格我因为它过分藻饰华丽已经存心放弃了。

    It is a style which I have deliberately abandoned as too rhetorical .

  12. 商务英语具有独特的文体风格。

    Business English is very unique cin styles .

  13. 第二章对法律英语的词法、句法及文体风格进行了逐一分析。

    Chapter 2 analyzes respectively the lexicon , syntax and style of legal English .

  14. 至于文体风格,中西方在措词和分段方面存在差异。

    As to the style , there remain some differences in diction and paragraphing .

  15. 无名氏小说的文体风格

    The Style of the Novels by Wu Mingshi

  16. 翻译的层次性、译者的一致性和原则的可控性&兼论孤立文本文体风格的中介现象

    Translation Strata , Translator 's Consistency and Controllable Principles & Also on the Intermediary Style

  17. 诗词文体风格辨析

    On literary styles of Poetry and Ci

  18. 在文体学的研究中,韩礼德认为文体风格既是意识潜势。

    In stylistic studies , Halliday held the view of " style as meaning potential " .

  19. 这种文体风格可不可以与爱伦·坡《泄密的心》的风格相比?

    Can this style be compared with Poe 's writing style in " A Tell-Tale Heart "?

  20. 古希腊的修辞学家朗吉驽斯把崇高归结为一种文体风格。

    Longinus , a rhetorician of ancient Greece , describes sublimity as a style of writing .

  21. 模糊言语的文体风格主要是依靠下列方式实现的:模糊词语、模糊句和模糊段落。

    Fuzzy literary language consists of fuzzy words and expressions , fuzzy sentences and fuzzy paragraphs .

  22. 论《老子》的文体风格

    On the Style of Laozi

  23. 文体风格的叙述差别。

    Difference of text style .

  24. 论词的文体风格

    On the Style of CI

  25. 鉴于此,作者的谨小慎微与其说一种文体风格的选择,不如说是一种道德上的抉择。

    In light of them , her famous circumspection looks less like a stylistic than a moral choice .

  26. 科技文摘,在语篇结构、文体风格、社会功能等方面具有特定的体裁特征。

    Technical abstracts have their own features in terms of communicative functions , linguistic patterns and textual structures .

  27. 随感录以栏目的形式对现代杂文文体风格的生成产生了一定的影响。

    For that reason , Impressions Record would surely have influenced the creation of the style of modern essays .

  28. 第三部分结合具体的原创作品,考察网络文学的创作特点:自由的创作心态,表现人物情爱的虚拟性,以及幽默调侃的创作风格和简约精致的文体风格。

    The third part brings an inspection to the original works and the creation characteristics of the online literature .

  29. 孤立文本文体风格的中介现象在翻译上表现为翻译的层次性,它是评价译文相对客观的标准。

    An intermediary style is exhibited through the strata in translation , which is a comparatively objective criterion for evaluation .

  30. 叙事作品中叙事视角的选择决定了作者对情节的组织、意蕴的传达和结构的构建等,体现了作者很强的文体风格。

    Point of view in narrative works takes an important role in plot construction , thematic transmission and aesthetic orientation .