
  • 网络hermann;Herrmann;HARTMANN;Robert Herman
  1. EnvironmentalEnrichment的创作宗旨,是为了给家居公司赫曼米勒(HermanMiller)的最新办公隔间系统注入活力。

    that the designer Alexander Girard was creating Environmental Enrichment textiles to enliven Herman Miller 's latest office cubicle system .

  2. 点击办公椅那一项,一款赫曼米勒(HermanMiller)牌办公椅直接呈现在眼前,售价899英镑。

    Click on the link , and it takes you straight to the Herman Miller model , priced at £ 899 .

  3. 每位选手都有五分钟的时间阐述他们的理念,冠军将首次获得价值10000美元的赫曼米勒(HermanMiller)公司的产品。

    Each contestant had five minutes to make their pitch , and for the first time a big prize was at stake : $ 10,000 in Herman Miller products .

  4. 赫曼米勒(HermanMiller)、福特(Ford)、宝洁(P&G)和萧氏地毯(ShawCarpets)这样一些具有前瞻性思维的公司已经部分采用了这种激进的方式。

    A few forward thinking companies such as Herman Miller ( mlhr ) , Ford ( f ) , P & G ( PG ) , and Shaw carpets have adopted in part this radical approach .

  5. 伊夫o比哈尔是一位曾获得大奖的瑞士工业设计师,他的客户包括三星公司、Jawbone公司和赫曼米勒公司(HermanMiller)。他说:我觉得‘购买’按键有点强迫性。

    I personally felt the ' Buy ' button was a bit forced , says Yves Behar , the award-winning Swiss industrial designer whose past and present clients include Samsung , Jawbone and Herman Miller .

  6. 年迈的露西和赫曼之间的爱让人嫉妒。

    The love between elderly Lucy and Herman is enviable .

  7. 但这根本不是赫曼米勒公司唯一的问题。

    But that was hardly Herman Miller 's only problem .

  8. 有些是从赫曼裁缝店赶工缝制。

    Some is from the hermans , somebody 's tailor 's knocked up .

  9. 赫曼全脑技术在脑与行为关系研究中的应用

    Application of Herrmann whole brain technology in study of relation between brain and behavior

  10. 目的应用美国赫曼全脑技术(HWBT)对脑与行为的关系做实验性初步研究。

    Objective Apply Herrmann whole brain technology to study the relation between brain and behavior , and firstly analyze its results of experiment .

  11. 上图为赫曼夫妇和潘姆帕2002年在阿拉斯加的合影,他们已经走完了周游世界的第一程。

    Above , Herman and Candelaria Zapp pose with baby Pampa in Alaska as they finish the first leg of their journey around the world in2002 .

  12. 本次展览还带来了他们的工作的注意,赫曼米勒家具公司,由他们分别受聘为设计师和顾问(用于插图)。

    This exhibition also brought their work to the attention of the Herman Miller furniture company , by whom they were employed as designers and consultants ( for illustrations ) .

  13. 本章首先介绍了赫曼米勒公司的基本状况。作为美国乃至全球最大的办公家具生产与服务提供商之一,赫曼米勒公司在各方面取得了骄人的成绩。

    Firstly , it introduces the background of Herman Miller , Inc. As a leading office furniture provider in US , as well as globally , Herman Miller has made lots of achievements and received bunches of recognitions worldwide .

  14. 但只要你走上了“浪漫不打折”之路,当你被裹挟在节日的人群中,难免不会觉得懊恼。如果不曾经历过赫曼台影迷们的蜂拥之狂,你大概无法忍受这种拥挤。

    Once you head down that road , however , it 's hard not to feel like a sucker , swept up in the frenzy of an occasion that might not have endured were it not for the Hallmark crowd .