
jī tǒnɡ
  • pump;syringe
唧筒 [jī tǒng]
  • [pump] 水泵

  1. 在人类心脏和唧筒之间有一些类似。

    There is some analogy between the human heart and a pump .

  2. 医生用胃唧筒给她洗胃。

    The doctor removed the contents of her stomach with a stomach pump .

  3. 然后唧筒把吸到船上。

    Then the pumps suck them up into the boats .

  4. 教师打了一个比喻,把人的心脏比作唧筒。

    The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump .

  5. 他整天忙着用唧筒抽水。

    He was pumping away the whole day .

  6. 罗盘星座南半球的一个星座,在唧筒星座和船尾星座附近他整天忙着用唧筒抽水。

    A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere , near Antlia and Puppis . He was pumping away the whole day .

  7. 他的一双腿太短,不适合赛跑和跨栏,但却能像唧筒似地上下运动,带着他飞快地踏垒,快得让你都来不及看。

    The legs that are too short for track and hurdles can pump up and down , carrying him around those bases faster than you can see .

  8. 有个显得有些不可思议的公司口号「从池塘到唧筒」。公司预想三年后可以开始生产一些生质燃料。

    LiveFuels has an improbable company slogan that goes " from pond to pump . " The company projects that in three years it can produce some bio-fuel .

  9. 一种背负式喷雾器,由箱体、气室、唧筒、连杆、摇杆、曲柄、带吸水管的喷管组成。

    A shoulder sprayer comprises a box body , a gas chamber , a pump , a link rod , a rocker , a crank and a spray tube with a suction pipe .

  10. 本实用新型是一种农药器具,它的特点是唧筒、稳压气室与桶身三个部件紧密结合成一个整体。

    The utility model relates to a pesticide utensil , which is characterized in that a hand pump , a pressure stabilizing air chamber and a barrel body are combined with each other tightly as integration .
