
  • 网络preferred ordinary shares
  1. 作为回报,Fed将获得它们的优先股和普通股的认股权证。

    In return , the federal government is getting preferred stock in the banks and warrants to buy common shares .

  2. 优先股比普通股享有优先分红权可赎回有优先权的股份

    Dividends for preferred stock underlie those of common stock . redeemable preferred share

  3. 对子公司优先股及普通股控制

    Holding of subsidiary 's prefered and common stock

  4. 股票通常有两类:优先股和普通股。

    The shares are usually of two kinds : preference shares and ordinary shares .

  5. 优先股转普通股的转换方案是在春季达成的,当时市场不断质疑花旗的资本充足率。

    The preferred-for-common conversion was agreed to last spring as doubts swirled about the adequacy of Citigroup 's capital .

  6. 如果某公司同时有发行在外的优先股和普通股,普通股每股账面价值的计算需要两个步骤。

    If a company has both preferred and common stock outstanding , the computation of book value per share of common stock requires two steps .

  7. 平衡基金将资产投资于货币市场、债券、优先股及普通股的共同基金,目的在于同时实现增长及收益。

    Balanced fund a mutual fund that invests its assets in the money market , bonds , preferred stock , and common stock in an attempt to provide both growth and income .

  8. 在资产负债表中,不同类型的股票(各种优先股和普通股)的面值或设定价值要分开列示,从这些股份上收到的超出额或不足额也应如此。

    In the balance sheet , the par values or stated values of different forms of stock ( preferred , common ) are shown separately , as is any excess or deficiency received for the shares .

  9. AIG和美国财政部拒绝就出售股份一事置评。上月,美国财政部将持有的优先股转换为普通股,从而获得了现有股份。

    AIG and the US Treasury , which obtained its stake when it converted preferred shares into common stock last month , declined to comment on the share sales .

  10. 泡尔•咪勒(在FriedmanBillingsRamsey机构负责银行股票的分析师)说这一计划的问题是,政府正在收购优先股而不是普通股。

    Paul Miller , an analyst at Friedman Billings Ramsey who covers bank stocks , says the problem with the plan is that the government is buying preferred shares and not common stock .

  11. 本周,花旗将启动把美国政府及其他股东所持优先股转换为普通股的计划。

    Citi will begin a conversion of preferred shares into common stock held by the US government and other shareholders this week .

  12. 按照花旗提出的条款,拒绝将优先股转换为普通股的股东将在财务上陷入不利地位,因此上述结果在人们的意料之中。

    The outcome was expected as Citi had made it financially unpalatable for preferred shareholders to refuse to convert their stakes into common shares .

  13. 为做到这一点,各国政府必须现在就打好基础,把优先股转换为普通股,并在必要时强制实行债转股。

    To make this possible , authorities have to lay the ground now for converting preference stock into common equity and enforcing debt-to-equity swaps if necessary .

  14. 财政部另外还表示,它会考虑像花旗管理层所要求的那样,将其现有的花旗优先股转换成普通股。

    The Treasury separately said it was open to considering converting its existing preferred shareholding in Citi into common equity as requested by the bank 's management .

  15. 知情人士表示,一个多月来,花旗一直在与监管者商谈,计划将政府及其他投资者持有的大约750亿美元优先股转换成普通股。

    People close to the situation said that Citi had been talking to regulators about a plan to convert some $ 75bn of preferred shares held by the government and other investors into common shares for more than a month .

  16. 这项交易的价格比夏普在上个交易日收盘时的股价低了三分之一,将使鸿海获得夏普的三分之二股权。鸿海还拥有在2017年7月或之后将优先股转换为普通股、再获得5%股份的选择权。

    The deal , done at a one-third discount to the previous close , would give Hon Hai two-thirds of Sharp 's equity , with an option to convert the preferred shares in or after July 2017 for a further 5 per cent stake .

  17. 作为回报,美国政府将放宽对美国国际集团600亿美元5年期贷款的条款,甚至免除其中一大部分,并将价值400亿美元的优先股转换为普通股,以减轻该公司的负担。

    In return , the authorities would relax the terms , or even cancel a large portion , of a $ 60bn five-year loan to AIG and convert $ 40bn-worth of preferred stock into shares , in an effort to ease the company 's burden .

  18. 单词解释:优先股为了满足市场需求,公司最忌发型了一些优先股和普通股。

    eg.The company has recently issued some preference stocks and common stocks for meeting the market demands .