
  • 网络Australian Film;Cinema of Australia
  1. 由于这部影片,澳大利亚电影终于获得了广泛的认可。

    With this film , Australian cinema finally comes of age .

  2. 透视澳大利亚电影业

    The Perspective of Australia Film Industry

  3. 之后她先后领导澳大利亚电影委员会项目发展部和特别项目基金部。

    Later she headed the Project Development Branch and then the Special Production Fund of the Australian Film Commission .

  4. 1987年离开澳大利亚电影委员会以后,佩尼建立了自己的制作公司,制作多部电视剧,包括《基督的新娘》。

    On leaving the AFC in1987 , Penny established a production company and developed the mini series " Brides of Christ " .

  5. 我们也热爱我们澳大利亚的电影,”西奥·阿戈阿尼斯说道。

    We love our movies in Australia as well , " said Theo Agiannis .

  6. 五月,当由澳大利亚籍电影导演巴斯。罗曼导演的电影红磨坊掀开本次法国电影节的帷幕时,戛纳会充满康康舞(大腿舞)的音乐声。

    Cannes will rock to the sound of a cancan dance this year when Moulin Roulin by the Australian director Baz Luhrmann opens the French Film Festival in May .

  7. 这家小餐馆老板的反应不由得让人想起了1986年澳大利亚著名电影《鳄鱼邓迪》中的著名场景--当一名暴徒挥舞着一把小刀时,保罗·霍根饰演的米克·邓迪拿出了一把大砍刀。

    The small business owner chef 's reaction is reminiscent of the famous scene in the 1986 Australian blockbuster Crocodile Dundee , where Paul Hogan 's Mick Dundee pulls out a long blade when a thug brandishes a small knife .

  8. 澳大利亚反捕鲸电影剪辑指控日本打着科学研究的幌子进行商业捕鲸。

    Australia 's anti-whaling film clip accuses Japan of using its scientific whaling program as a cover for commercial hunting .

  9. 澳大利亚国际华语电影节主席宫岚薇称,在影院观看国际上获奖的华语影片的观众有时会因为字幕翻译太差而提前离场。

    Gong Lanwei , president of the Australian International Chinese Film Festival , says that ticket holders for internationally award-winning Chinese films sometimes leave the cinema before the end due to poor translation of subtitles .

  10. 边走路边发讯息不仅会令身边的同伴感到恼火,澳大利亚研究人员运用电影特效技术进行研究后发现,这种行为还会威胁自身安全。

    Texting pedestrians aren 't just an annoyance to their fellow walkers , Australian researchers armed with movie special-effects technology have determined scientifically : They 're a menace to themselves .

  11. 澳大利亚影视艺术学院奖设立于1958年,最初是澳大利亚电影协会(AFI)的奖项。

    AACTA , founded in 1958 , was originally the Australian Film Institute ( AFI ) Awards .