
  • 网络Australian Greens Party;The Australian Greens
  1. 但是这并不能令澳大利亚绿党参议员拉里萨·沃特斯感觉好一些。

    But that doesn 't make senator Larissa Waters of Australian greens party feel any better about it .

  2. 澳大利亚绿党号召工党联合起来一同支持平等婚姻法通过法案陈述。

    The Australian Greens on Thursday called on members of the Labor party to stand together and support marriage equality legislation being upheld in the ACT in a statement .

  3. 澳大利亚绿党领袖参议员BobBrown称,政府再次将经济利益放在了野生生物前面。

    The Greens leader , Senator Bob Brown , says the government has again put economic interests ahead of wildlife .

  4. 吉拉德强大的沟通技巧,可以帮助她与澳大利亚绿党,在碳交易的问题上达成一致。但是,这可以算是她仅有的政绩了。

    Her strong negotiating skills , which have enabled her to cut a deal with the Australian Greens on her carbon plan , have carried her only so far .