
  • 网络An elegant world;World of Elegance;The Show Must Go On;Cultivated World
  1. 她的世界是一个优雅的世界。她把一切“不雅”都摒弃在目光之外,剩下的便全是“优雅”。

    Excluding everything that is not elegant , the elegant world is the only one left for her .

  2. 富丽堂皇的宫苑,奏乐歌舞的伎乐菩萨,伴随歌舞的飞天和神鸟,共同构筑了一个欢乐、优雅的理想世界。

    The magnificent palace , the performing Bodhisattvas , the dancing and flying apsaras and birds , and the common people consist of a happy and elegant world .