
  • 网络Quality supplier;BQS
  1. 所有原材料均来自于优质供应商。LNG燃料汽车储罐自增压及供气特性

    All the raw material comes from qualified supplier . Self-pressurization and gas supplying properties of storage system for LNG vehicle

  2. 我们想了解一下挤压件的优质供应商,主要是用在座椅总成件中。希望供应商有相关行业配套经验和TS16949认证;

    I am looking for Stamping parts suppliers sho have experience in exporting to the oversea market and have TS16949 .

  3. 在中国拥有多家长年专业生产物流设备的优质供应商。

    We have many high-quality supplies who have advanced production equipments .

  4. 吴政学甚至设法确保他的咖啡豆与星巴克来自危地马拉同一家优质供应商。

    Mr Wu had even made sure he sourced his beans from the same premium Guatemalan supplier as the US chain .

  5. 作为一家专业包材生产的优质供应商,为你的产品包装排忧解难是我们的职责。

    As a professional production of high-quality packaging materials suppliers , for your product packaging is our duty to solve problems .

  6. 林荫的宗旨是提供全球性的持续高价值产品和服务,尤其是在亚洲,欧洲和南美的优质供应商。

    Our mission is to provide high-value products and services on global scale ; particularly in Asia , Eastern Europe and South America .

  7. 人力资源经纪业务:员工履历调查、优质供应商推荐、职业能力测评、被裁员工第三方安置;

    HR Broker Business : Employee Reference Check , Recommendation of Quality Vender , Assessment Center , out-placement of employees as a result of company restructure .

  8. 今天的博神曳引机正成为电梯品牌的优质供应商,博神的明天要靠我们的努力,更需要您的支持!

    Today 's Bo-shen Tractor is becoming a high quality supplier of elevator brand . Bo-shen 's tomorrow depends not only on our efforts , but also on your efforts !

  9. 在现代企业活动中,供应商已经成为一种战略资源,谁拥有优质供应商,谁就能站在高水平的竞争平台上。

    Suppliers have become a strategic resource in the modern enterprise activities . Companies who have a high-quality supplier can be able to stand on a high level of competition platform .

  10. 这也是发展最优质的供应商合作,几乎所有的意大利人。

    It was also developed in co-operation with top-quality component suppliers , almost all of them Italian .

  11. 除了《金融时报》等几家优质内容供应商,其它在线出版商都无法对读者进行收费;

    Online publishers cannot charge their readers , except for a few premium providers such as the FT.

  12. 针对图书馆如何合理地选择优质的图书供应商进行研究。

    The problem of selecting proper books suppliers of good quality by libraries was addressed .

  13. 金威橡塑国际化优质原材料供应商、国际先进的设备保证,铸就了超强优势的产品。

    Jinwei products of great advantages are created with good raw materials from abroad and international advanced equipment .

  14. 福起数码科技公司力争做到集研制销售于一体的最优质的广告材料供应商,以高性价比的产品满足不同层次要求的国内国外客户的需要!

    With time passing by , we are striking to build ourself as the first-class supplier of advertising materials , we are trying to satisfy all kinds of requirement from our customer .

  15. 仅以价格为目标的采购拍卖对优质物品的驱逐性在某种程度上损害了采购商和优质产品供应商的利益,而多因素采购拍卖正克服了这些不足。

    The procurement auction with the only goal of price expulse high quality goods suppliers and reduce the benefit of buyers and suppliers to some extent , but the multi-factor procurement auction is to overcome these problems .