
  1. 快利用「安全声机」的寂静打造更优质、更低风险的机器!

    Build a better , safer machine with the silence of the Safe'n'sound !

  2. 优质客户信用风险的防范

    Defence the Credit Risk from Quality Clients

  3. 本文给出了一种技优质资产的风险比例进行投资组合的方法。

    This paper introduces an investment combination scheme according to the risk proportion of high quality capital .

  4. 国有商业银行资产质量差、效率低下、国际竞争经验不足等现状,使其入世后必将在银行业务、人才竞争、优质客户、风险规避等方面面临巨大的冲击。

    Of commercial bank , the poor quality of assets , the low efficiency , the shortage of worldwide competition experience and so on , make itself faced with great strikes in bank operating , talent competition , high quality customers and venture prevention .

  5. 虽然以保单设定质押进行贷款对于银行和保险公司而言是风险较小的优质贷款,但风险依然是存在的。

    Although policy mortgage loan is little risk to banks and insurance companies , but the risk still exists .

  6. 有效加强银行内部风险评级管理有助于银行方便快捷的选择优质客户进行信贷风险的管理,提升我国银行在国际银行业中的竞争力。

    Enhancing bank internal risk management helps bank to select high quality client for credit risk management and improve international competition .

  7. 我们的产品特点是优质多样化,有风险投资,股票,期货,基金等多种投资方式。

    High quality of our products is characterized by diversity , there is venture capital , stocks , futures , funds and other investment .

  8. 信用额度管理是交通银行信用卡中心回馈优质客户、降低风险、降低客户的流失率、提高客户的忠诚度,提升长期获利能力的重要手段。

    The credit limit control system , as an important tool , has been used by the Bank of Communication to reward quality customers , mitigate bank risks , boost customer loyalty , as well as to remain long term profitability .