
  • 网络volunteer;Olympic volunteer
  1. 2008年北京奥运会志愿者评价体系研究

    Research on Volunteer Evaluation System of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

  2. 对奥运会志愿者定位与培训的研究

    Research About Orientation and Training of the Olympic Games Volunteer

  3. 奥运会志愿者持续服务社会的多视角分析

    The Multi-Angle Analysis about Olympic Volunteers Continue to Serve the Community

  4. 奥运会志愿者的特征及其管理原则

    The Characteristics of the Olympic Games ' Volunteers and the managing principles

  5. 我女儿想当一名奥运会志愿者。

    My daughter would love to be a volunteer at the Olympics .

  6. 对奥运会志愿者体育知识培训的探讨

    The research on the sports knowledge training on Olympics volunteers

  7. 北京奥运会志愿者管理体系的研究

    Research into the Management System of Beijing Olympic Volunteers

  8. 如何申请当一名奥运会志愿者呢?

    So how do you apply to be a volunteer for the Olympics ?

  9. 那么,你想成为一名奥运会志愿者吗?

    And are you wanna be an Olympic volunteer ?

  10. 回望北京奥运会志愿者行动&符号学的视角

    Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer Action : A Semiotic Perspective

  11. 奥运会志愿者的价值研究

    A Study on Value of Olympic Games ' Volunteers

  12. 奥运会志愿者管理研究

    Research on Management of Volunteer in Olympic Games

  13. 2008年北京奥运会志愿者人力资源需求预测

    A Prediction of the Demand for Volunteers Human Resource in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  14. 当我被选中为北京奥运会志愿者时,我感到。

    I am excited when I am being selected to be volunteer for Beijing olympia .

  15. 北京奥运会志愿者法律问题刍议

    The Legal Issues of Beijing Olympics Volunteers

  16. 奥运会志愿者与人力资源管理

    Olympic Volunteer and Human Resource Management

  17. 我系德语专业的任玲玲和时松同学在2008北京奥运会志愿者工作中获得了组织方高度的评价。

    Ren Lingling and Shi Song served as volunteers and were high valued in2008 Olympic Games .

  18. 奥运会志愿者历史回顾

    Review of History of Olympic Volunteers

  19. 北京2008年奥运会志愿者的组织模式与评价体系的研究

    A Research on Organizing Mode and Evaluation System of the Volunteers in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  20. 奥运会志愿者与大学生

    Olympic Volunteers and University Students

  21. 奥运会志愿者组织、管理运作中应注意哪些问题?

    The Olympics Organization What problems must we pay attention to in the organization and management of volunteers ?

  22. 因此,对奥运会志愿者管理的研究具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。

    Therefore , the study on the management of Olympic volunteers is significant to the theory and practice .

  23. 今年早些时候,中国中央电视台向全国现场直播了北京奥运会志愿者制服的推介活动。中国中央电视台有能力接触到10亿多观众。

    Being China 's national broadcaster , CCTV has the ability to reach more than one billion viewers .

  24. 奥运会志愿者管理的每一个环节都有不同的内容,并可能出现不同的问题,管理者应当在管理过程中采取积极的措施尽量避免这些问题的发生。

    There are different contents and possible problems in each step . The manager should take measures to avoid problems .

  25. 中国的奥运会志愿者和墨西哥观众主动接近美国爱荷华州人,期望能够获得爱荷华州的徽章。

    Chinese Olympic Volunteers and Mexican spectators approached us Iowans , intent on gaining a pin from the Hawkeye state .

  26. 本文就奥运会志愿者进行研究,以期为奥林匹克运动的研究者以及奥运会的相关人士提供有益的借鉴。

    This paper studies Olympic Volunteer so as to supply some reference for researchers and correlatives engaged in the Olympic Movement study .

  27. 试论岩画中人体运动形象的人文内含奥运会志愿者的价值思考

    The humanism Meaning of Physical Activity Images in Rock Paintings The Humanism Meaning of the Volunteers ' Behavior in the Olympic Games

  28. 运用现代人力资源管理理论,对北京奥运会志愿者多元培训方式进行研究。

    The modern management theory of manpower resources was applied to doing research on the plural-training manners of the volunteers for Beijing Olympic Games .

  29. 据介绍,北京奥运会志愿者工作项目已经形成了六个工作项目和一个主题活动“微笑北京”。

    According to the organizers , the Beijing Olympic Volunteer Program includes six working projects and one theme campaign & " Smiling Beijing " .

  30. 不久,我们志愿者申请被批准,而且在担任奥运会志愿者期间,我们将被安排在清华大学居住。

    It didn 't take long for our volunteer status to be confirmed and our living arrangements at Tsinghua University to be hammered out .