
  1. 优步中国(UberChina)作为一个独立运营实体,去年9月估值达70亿美元,随后又融资12亿美元。

    Uber China , which operates as a separate entity , was valued at $ 7bn last September before it raised a further $ 1.2bn .

  2. 该公司周一表示,它已完成了优步中国(UberChina)的组建工作,这是它在大型目标市场创建的唯一独立实体。

    The company said on Monday that it had completed the set-up of Uber China , the only separate company it has created in a major market that it has targeted .

  3. 沃斯还负责优步中国部门自6月以来的融资工作,这次融资对该部门的投资前估值(pre-moneyvaluation)为70亿美元。

    Mr Wass also oversaw fundraising efforts for Uber 's Chinese unit since June at a pre-money valuation of $ 7bn .

  4. 对于滴滴来说,苹果这笔现金来得正是时候,该公司正陷入一场昂贵的补贴大战,另一方是优步中国(UberChina),以及易到(Yidao)和神州(Shenzhou)两家中国共乘应用初创企业。

    Apple 's cash arrives at a crucial time for Didi , as it is locked in an expensive subsidy war with Uber China , as well as two other Chinese ride-sharing start-ups , Yidao and Shenzhou .

  5. 这笔交易还间接加剧了中国最大的几家互联网公司之间的竞争:优步中国公司的投资者包括中国搜索公司百度(Baidu),而滴滴的支持者包括腾讯(Tencent)和阿里巴巴(Alibaba)。

    The deal will also indirectly fuel greater competition between China 's biggest internet companies : investors in Uber 's China unit include Baidu , the Chinese search company , while Didi 's backers include Tencent and Alibaba .

  6. 优步中国的其他投资者也得到小笔股份。

    Uber China 's other investors also receive a small stake .

  7. 优步中国公关部的黄敏表示,政府监管机构尚未联系该公司。

    Huang Min , a spokeswoman for Uber in China , said the company had not been contacted by the authorities .

  8. 在这一次合并之后,优步中国的投资者会得到滴滴20%的股份,同时滴滴也将会给优步投资10亿美元。

    By this merge , investors in Uber China unit will own 20 percent of Didi ; while Didi will invest 1 billion dollars in Uber .

  9. 滴滴出行在和优步中国展开旷日持久的竞争之后,于本周将后者收入麾下。这表明,至少是在国内,中国玩家可以跟运作最成熟、规模最大的美国初创公司一较高下。

    The purchase this week of Uber China by Didi Chuxing after a protracted competition shows that at least domestically , Chinese players can take on the most sophisticated and largest start-ups coming out of America .

  10. 出售优步中国后,优步将获得一类新的滴滴股票,这部分股权将带来18%的经济权益和6%的投票权。

    In return for Uber China , Uber is receiving a stake in Didi with a new class of shares that promises 18 per cent of the economic interest and 6 per cent of the voting rights .

  11. 据中国媒体报道,章泽天还是一位风险投资人,投资了国内六大创业企业,其中包括优步中国,章泽天的投资资金均来源于刘强东的家庭基金。

    According to the Chinese media , Zhang is also a venture capitalist who has invested in six start-ups in China including Uber China . She 's made these investments on behalf of Liu Qiangdong 's family fund .

  12. 中国打车软件滴滴出行入选了《财富》2016年“改变世界”公司榜单,不久之前该公司才收购了优步中国,巩固了其在中国交通服务市场上的领先地位。

    Chinese ride hailing company Didi Chuxing was selected on the Fortune list of " 2016 Change the World , " shortly after the acquisition of Uber China that cemented its leading position in Chinese transportation service market .

  13. 据两名知情人透露,该交易将于几天后公布,根据协议条款,滴滴将收购优步中国全部业务,优步中国的投资者将得到滴滴20%的股份。

    Under the terms of the deal , set to be announced in coming days , Didi will acquire all of Uber China 's operations and investors in Uber China will get a 20 per cent stake in Didi , according to two people close to the transaction ..

  14. 因陷入激烈的价格战,提供打车服务的app优步在中国一年亏损超过10亿美元。

    App-based car-hire service Uber is losing more than $ 1bn a year in China , as it struggles against what it called a " fierce competitor . "

  15. 在优步最大中国投资者百度(Baidu)举行的年度论坛“百度世界”(BaiduWorld)上,卡兰尼克强调了优步为取悦北京而在策略上进行的微妙转变。

    Mr Kalanick , speaking at Baidu World , an annual forum hosted by Uber 's largest Chinese investor , Baidu , emphasised the subtle evolution in the US group 's strategy in an effort to cozy up to Beijing .

  16. 尽管Ola在印度市场占据主导地位,但滴滴投资Ola之举突显出亚洲叫车应用公司之间的竞争日益激烈,美国公司优步正在中国和印度市场加速扩张。

    Despite this dominance , the move highlights the intensifying competition among ride-hailing companies in Asia as US firm Uber ramps up its efforts in the Chinese and Indian markets .

  17. 然而,当中国最大的两家网约车企业——滴滴和快的(Kuaidi)——在去年初合并后,优步在中国的任务变得困难得多。

    However , Uber 's task in China became much harder when China 's two largest car-hailing companies , Didi and Kuaidi , merged early last year .

  18. 现在优步在中国的九座城市运营。

    It now operates in nine Chinese cities .

  19. 接下来几个月将见证优步在中国市场是否吃不了兜着走。

    The next few months will show whether Uber has bitten off more than it can chew in China .

  20. 同一时期,优步在中国和印度投入巨大,并且在拓展进入新的市场。

    The company spent heavily in China and India during that time , as well as expanding to new markets .

  21. 优步在中国仍然面临着重重阻碍。中国市场的竞争十分激烈,监管严格,有时还颇为反常。

    Uber still faces many hurdles in China , where the market is highly competitive , regulated and , at times , eccentric .

  22. 就像程维和卡兰尼克的初次会面一样,评价优步在中国的表现是个视角问题。

    Like the initial meeting between Mr Cheng and Mr Kalanick , how Uber is doing in China is a matter of perspective .

  23. 但是一些专家称,这笔钱会被投入滴滴与总部位于美国的优步争夺中国市场份额的竞争。

    But some experts say it will be needed to fuel its battle with US-based Uber for market share in China , writes Charles Clover .

  24. 卡兰尼克亲自监督优步在中国的成长,他多次前往中国,去年有近五分之一时间在中国度过。

    Mr Kalanick was personally overseeing Uber 's growth in China and travelled there extensively , spending nearly one in five days in the country last year .

  25. 许多业内人士近日表示,苹果已经完成了一笔数额巨大的交易,即给优步在中国的死敌--滴滴出行投资10亿美元。

    Many insiders commented that Apple had made a great deal , which is to invest $ 1 billion in Didi Chuxing , Uber 's rival in China .

  26. 非也。那不过是两大堆资金挪动的声音,更准确点说是优步及其中国竞争对手滴滴出行为争夺全球叫车服务市场筹集巨款。

    No , that 's just the sound of massive piles of cash being moved - the vast sums of money that Uber and its Chinese rival Didi Chuxing are stockpiling for their battle to own the global ride-hailing market .

  27. 在周五的例行新闻发布会上,中国商务部发言人沈丹阳说,优步向中国的滴滴出行出售业务的计划引发了本地的担忧。

    At a daily press briefing on Friday , Shen Danyang , a spokeman for the country 's Commerce Ministry , said the inquiry was prompted by local concerns about Uber 's plan to sell the business to China 's Didi Chuxing .

  28. 卡兰尼克昨日在北京与旅游和物流供应商海航集团(HNAGroup)签订了合作协议,他表示优步将对中国加大投资。海航集团旗下拥有海南航空(HainanAirlines)。

    Mr Kalanick , who was in Beijing to sign a partnership with travel and logistics provider HNA Group , which owns Hainan Airlines , said that Uber would invest more in China .

  29. 此举将叫停优步当前在中国实行的模式。

    That would have upended Uber 's current model in China .

  30. 根据2014年达成的一项协议,优步已接受中国境内乘客通过支付宝支付叫车费用。

    Uber already accept payments made via Alipay from passengers within China , under an agreement struck in 2014 .