
  • 网络surveillance camera;security camera;ip camera;WebCam
  1. 那应该有监控摄像头吧

    Okay , well , there are surveillance cameras , right ?

  2. 路易斯:就是这样才到处都有监控摄像头和保安?

    Luis : Is that why there are surveillance cameras and security guards everywhere ?

  3. 夫妇俩装了个24小时监控摄像头,想要抓住故意划坏他们车子的家伙。

    The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to trap the vandal scratching their car .

  4. 当地面控制人员通过监控摄像头终于看见杨利伟眨眼时,同事们忍不住喊出了声:“他眨眼了!利伟还活着!”

    When ground control finally saw Yang blink his eyes through the surveillance camera , his colleagues burst out crying , " He 's blinking ! Yang is alive ! "

  5. 显然,主管这些监控摄像头的港务局(portauthority)只拍摄x光机的入口,而不管x光机的出口。

    Apparently , the port authority , which oversees those CCTV cameras , films the entry , but not the exit to the X-ray machines .

  6. 应用程序可以把一部可接入WiFi的旧iPhone变成一个监控摄像头兼动作检测器。

    Apps can convert an old iPhone that has access to WiFi into a surveillance camera and motion detector .

  7. 不料这是不可能的:尽管监控摄像头拍下了我把包放到X光机传送带上的画面,“但机器出口的地方不在摄像头的覆盖范围内。”戴雷娜解释说。

    That , it turned out , was impossible : though the CCTV cameras had filmed me as I placed my bag on to the X-ray belt , " There was no camera coverage on the exit side of the machine , " Dilena explained .

  8. 你想法子避开了监控摄像头

    Now , you managed to avoid the security cameras ...

  9. 你左边的大楼上有个监控摄像头。

    There is a security camera on the building to your left .

  10. 关键地区也设置了监控摄像头。

    More cameras were also installed to monitor the situation in key areas .

  11. 等等他那里有监控摄像头吗

    Wait . He has a surveillance camera ?

  12. 如果我们能看到所有的监狱监控摄像头,我们会看到什么?

    and what might we see if we could all watch those prison surveillance cameras ?

  13. 如果所有的门都锁着,他是怎么躲过监控摄像头的?

    How could he get past the CCTV ? If all the doors were locked .

  14. 他们付的现金,这附近也没有监控摄像头,又一个大“惊喜”

    They paid cash . There are no security cameras on the premises another big surprise .

  15. 毕竟,要想避开街道拐角处的监控摄像头,只要躲进室内就可以了。

    A street-corner surveillance camera , easily evaded by ducking indoors , is one kind of intrusion .

  16. 每个人的电邮、每通电话、监控摄像头…监听电话和银行转账中。

    That 's every email , every phone call , surveillance cameras ... wire-tapped phones , bank transactions .

  17. 而一方面,官员,警方和商业可以通过监控摄像头跟踪居住在这座城市的人。

    And one way , officials , police and business can track those people is through surveillance cameras .

  18. 法律专家表示,奥地利法律对监控摄像头使用有明确限制,此举与现行法律相悖。

    Legal experts said the camera is in conflict with Austrian laws that restrict the use of surveillance cameras .

  19. 你只得来到这间酒吧,酒吧里唯一的监控摄像头坏了。

    And you 'd end up back at this bar ... where the only security camera would go out .

  20. 他出门购物时,经常有便衣警察跟踪。在通往他家的狭窄道路上,安装着一排监控摄像头。

    Plainclothes police officers often accompany him on shopping excursions , and surveillance cameras line the narrow road to his home .

  21. 在您离开公司走向自己的汽车时,很可能被监控摄像头记录下来了。

    As you leave your place of work and walk to your car , you are likely recorded on video surveillance cameras .

  22. 弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚一家便利店的监控摄像头,今早拍到了克里斯·奥哈洛伦的片段。

    A security camera in , uh , a convenience store in Alexandria , Virginia caught footage of one Chris o'Halloran this morning .

  23. 她知道监控摄像头拍摄了当时的画面。当她播放录像时,她发现偷东西的是一只狗。

    She knew their surveillance cameras were rolling , so when she watched the film , she saw they had a shoplifting dog .

  24. 商汤科技制作的面部识别软件可用于监控摄像头,还有检查消费者的相貌相似性以验证数字支付。

    SenseTime makes facial recognition software used in applications like monitoring CCTV footage and checking a consumer 's likeness to validate digital payments .

  25. 该模型将监控摄像头拍摄到的视频序列中车辆的位置恢复到现实世界坐标系中,从而可以进行准确的车速检测。

    This model enables us to estimate the real world position of the vehicles directly from a video sequence taken by a surveillance camera .

  26. 人们起初嘲笑平戈,直到越来越多的人也目击了这个怪物,才相信狼人真的出现了。现在,监控摄像头更是直接拍到了狼人的影像。

    At first people made fun of him but others have since had similar encounters with the beast , which they are calling a werewolf .

  27. 在《疑犯追踪》中,机器通过电话、卫星及监控摄像头来追踪每个在美国的人的动作和通讯。

    In Person of Interest , the Machine tracks the movements and communications of everyone in the US through phones , satellites and surveillance cameras .

  28. 只要购置一款价格大约为100美元的机械观测支架,你就可以让这个监控摄像头转动360度,而不需要一直保持固定视域。

    If you buy a robotic viewing stand for about $ 100 , you can move the camera 360 degrees rather than stick with a stationary view .

  29. 运输安全管理局称,为避免失窃,去年在纽约机场的一个放映室安装了监控摄像头,之后发现放映失效。

    The TSA says it discovered screening failures at the New York airport last year after installing surveillance cameras in a screening room to check for possible theft .

  30. 为了获取这些数据,传统的方法是让工作人员跟随顾客并记录数据或者在超市中布置大量的监控摄像头跟踪记录。

    To capture these data , the traditional methods were to record the data by staff followed the consumer or layout a large number of monitors in the supermarket .