
  1. 新城模式&大型城郊社区建设与开发研究

    The New City Model-Study on the Construction of Large-scale Suburb Community

  2. 交通性与居住性的整合&尽端路在美国城郊社区规划中的运用

    The integration of accessibility and livability the application of cul-de-sac in American suburban community planning

  3. 很多美国城郊社区则是截然不同的情况,那里的孩子从很小就开始接触足球和棒球等团队运动。

    That is the opposite of the situation in many suburban U.S.communities , where children start playing organized sports such as soccer and tee ball at an early age .

  4. 在对大型城郊社区建设模式的探求中,其存在的科学可能性及其先进的理念模式成为研究的重点。

    During the seeking course of the construction model of the large-scale suburbs community , the science possibility of his existence and his advanced reason thought model become the focal point studied .

  5. 然而,传统的城市社区和农村社区管理模式不适用于城郊社区的管理,因此,寻找一种新型的社区管理模式来满足城郊社区的管理已是当务之急。

    However , the traditional city community and rural community management model is not applicable to urban community management , therefore , to find a new community management model to meet the needs of urban community management is a pressing matter of the moment .

  6. 首先简要介绍了T村社区情况,侧重就其作为城郊村社区的特征进行了描述。

    A brief introduction to T-village community is presented first with an emphasis on describing its features as a suburban village community .

  7. 因此,如何促进城郊村社区与城市的融合,已经成为一个非常重要的理论与实践课题。

    Accordingly , how to further promote the integration of city and countryside has proved to be a significant issue both practically and theoretically .

  8. 因城市扩张和土地征用,大批处于城乡结合地带的村庄逐渐被城市包围,成为介于城乡之间、兼具城乡属性的城郊村社区。

    As a result of urbanization and land acquisition , a large group of villages on the fringes of expanding urban areas , which currently are being enclosed by cities and towns , turn into suburban village communities in the peri-urban zones , carrying both urban and rural properties .

  9. 城郊结合部社区的出现,是工业化、城市化发展的必然结果。

    The emergence of the urban-rural fringe communities is an inevitable result of the development of post industrialization and urbanization .