
  • 网络Government Financial Institutions;state-owned financial institution
  1. 麻生太郎表示,刺激计划必须把重点放在如下领域:保健和医疗服务;补贴地方政府;为非正式员工构建一张新的社会安全网;更多利用政府金融机构来缓解信贷紧缩;太阳能。

    Taro Aso said the stimulus must focus on healthcare and medical services , subsidies to local governments , a new social safety net for non-regular workers , more use of government financial institutions to ease the credit crunch and solar energy .

  2. 这一研究的结论是否正确,如果它是对的,生态判决之斧会在何时何地落下,这些都很难准确无误地确定。这也是为什么政府和金融机构现在才开始把这些风险考虑到他们的经济算式中。

    Whether this is right , and if so where and when the ecological axe will fall , is hard to determine with any precision — which is why governments and financial institutions are only beginning to bring such risks into their economic calculations .

  3. BOT项目融资模式自产生之日起,就受到各国政府、金融机构、财团及项目公司的广泛关注和青睐,在公共基础设施建设中得到了广泛的运用。

    BOT project financing has been the key concern by many governments , financial organizations and consortiums and project companies since it came into use and it has won a world-wide acceptance and popularity in the construction of utilities .

  4. 政府和金融机构在高校防范与规避贷款风险中的作用

    The Role of Governments and Financial Institutions in Avoid and Prevent of the Risk of College Loans

  5. 最重要的是,政府和金融机构必须努力让跨国企业提升对这个问题的认识。

    Above all , governments and financial institutions will have to work on raising awareness among global corporates .

  6. 小企业融资难问题,是目前我国政府和金融机构以及小企业自身都非常关心的问题。

    Currently , Chinese government and financial institutions are very concerned about the problem of financing in small businesses .

  7. 二是金融创新过分依赖于政府,金融机构缺乏创新的内在动力。

    The other is that financial innovations Lack internal motive force of Innovation due to the excessive dependence on the government .

  8. 这个融资体系涉及中小企业、政府、金融机构和社会等四大主体元素,其中,政府承担着重要的协调职能。

    This financing system involves SMEs , government , financial institutions and the society etc. The government undertakes important coordinated function .

  9. 各主要经济体的中央政府、金融机构都对此做出前所未有的反应。

    The Central Bank , government departments and financial institutions of the major economies have taken emergency measure to handle it .

  10. 税法的修改、政府对金融机构管制的放松、通货膨胀、世界市场和国际贸易的发展为杠杆收购提供了宽松、有利可图的宏观环境;

    Amendment of Tax Law , loose of policy to financial institution , development of world market and international trade were involved .

  11. 近些年来,随着我国住房产业的迅猛发展,它也成为我国政府、金融机构和社会各界所关注的热点。

    In recent years , in the pace of quick development of realestate of our country , it has been the new hotspot .

  12. 当今汇率的频繁变动已经引起了各国政府、金融机构、企业以及学术界的普遍关注和高度重视。

    The frequent fluctuation of exchange rate has arise general concern and high recognition of governments , financial institutions , enterprises and academia .

  13. 为了支持增长和增加税收,一些地方政府和金融机构已经放松了信贷条件和规定,以推动建房。

    To support growth and increase tax revenue , some local governments and financial institutions have relaxed credit conditions and regulations to promote construction .

  14. 第六章从政府、金融机构、中小企业三个方面,提出了山东省中小企业融资难的解决对策。

    The sixth chapter presents countermeasures of financing difficulties of SMEs in Shandong Province from three perspectives of the government , financial institutions and enterprises .

  15. 近几年来,资产证券化作为最重要的金融工具之一,越来越受到各国政府、金融机构和资本投资者的关注。

    In recent years , asset securitization as one of the most important financial instruments , more and more governments , financial institutions and capital investors .

  16. 基于此,本文主要从政府、金融机构及中小型出口企业的角度,探讨各自应采取的措施。

    Based on above content , the paper mainly discusses several measures which the municipal government , financial institutions and small and medium export enterprises should take .

  17. 加强厦金旅游合作促进两门经济发展完善我省中小企业的融资机制必须依靠政府、金融机构、企业共同努力。

    Xiamen and Jinmen : Joint Tourism Efforts Towards Mutual Economic Boom The solution must be made by the mutual efforts of government , banking institutions and enterprises .

  18. 相关部门急切等待该银行收益细节,以判断政府对金融机构的大规模救援是否已使其走上复苏的轨道。

    Details of the bank 's performance were keenly awaited as a sign of whether massive bailouts for the financial sector have put it on course for recovering .

  19. 两国政府、金融机构、企业可以就能源合作加强探讨,不断创新合作方式、拓宽合作面。

    Governments , financial institutions and enterprises from the two countries can go ahead with more exploration of energy cooperation in new forms and on a larger scale .

  20. 文化大发展大繁荣的号角已经吹响,地方政府、金融机构、文化企业、社会各界纷纷在此春风之下,精心培育文化产业。

    As the horn of cultural development and prosperity has been blown , local government , financial institutions and culture enterprises nurtured cultural industries carefully in this circumstance .

  21. 但是,在我以后见之明进一步探究政府和金融机构犯下哪些错误之前,我应该先审视一下自己犯的一些错误。

    But before I delve further into the mistakes made – with hindsight – by governments and financial institutions , I should examine some errors of my own .

  22. 解决中小企业融资渠道问题是一个系统的工作,需要企业、政府、金融机构等等多方面的共同努力。

    Solving the problem of finding financing channels for SMEs is a systematic work which needs the concerted efforts of corporations , governments , financial institutions , and so on .

  23. 同时,还需要政府、金融机构共同努力协作,成立中小企业管理机构,建立中小企业发展基金,完善专门的贷款担保机构,有效解决信息不对称问题,改善中小企业融资环境。

    Meanwhile , it needs the government , the financial institutions and the whole society to solve the information asymmetry problem effectively in order to improve the financing environment of SMEs .

  24. 花旗集团将是推出泛非基金公司中名声最响亮的一家。非洲的私人股本由准政府发展金融机构(主要来自欧洲)和专项新兴市场基金所主导。

    Citigroup is the biggest name to launch a pan-African fund in a region where private equity is dominated by quasi-governmental development finance institutions , mainly from Europe , and specialist emerging market funds .

  25. 建议:政府和金融机构应强化政策执行力度,完善和提高小额担保贷款政策,大力发展风险投资和创业基金,引导创建科学的创业企业融资模式。

    Recommendations : the government and financial institutions should strengthen enforcement , improve and enhance the small loans policies , vigorously develop the risk investment and venture fund and create a scientific enterprise financing mode .

  26. 但是,集群融资优势需要在政府、金融机构、资本市场、中介服务机构等主要利益相关者的紧密配合下才能充分发挥。

    However , it is necessary to show the advantages of cluster financing that the government , financial institutions , capital markets , intermediary service organizations , and other major stakeholders can be closely with .

  27. 然而,在大型公共基础设施的投融资建设方面,我国没有成熟的模式,巨大的资金缺口对政府或金融机构而言,在资金成本和资金风险等方面压力依旧较大。

    However , our country has not model about large-scale investment and financing of public infrastructure construction . For capital cost and financial risks , huge funding gaps in government or financial institutions are still more .

  28. 在农村正规金融制度中交织着政府、金融机构和农民不同的利益目标,但这三个参与主体在制度中的地位不同,农民处在绝对的弱势地位,几乎没有影响制度的能力。

    Different objectives in the rural financial institution intertwined between government , financial institutions and farmers . The farmers are in the absolute weak position , almost no effect on the ability of the institutional change .

  29. 技术创新的主要资金来源于企业,政府和金融机构的资金对研发时间长,不确定大、风险系数高的发明支持力度小,尤其是金融中介没有体现出其功能。

    The government and financial institutions support small for the invention with long research time , large uncertainties and high risk factors , especially the financial institutions did not reflect the function of financial system should have .

  30. 在日本中小企业的金融支持体系中,政府系金融机构、商业性金融机构、信用担保机构和创业投资机构发挥着各自的作用。

    Therefore , in the financial backing system for the small businesses , those that are playing the main parts are government finance institutions , commercial finance institutions , credit and trust institutions and entrepreneur investment institutions .