
  • 网络customer service system
  1. 海星系统集成公司客户服务体系分析研究及CRM系统建立

    Analysis and Research for Customer Service System and Establishment for CRM System in Seastar Computer System Integration Tech

  2. 建立差异化的客户服务体系;

    Differences in the establishment of customer service system ;

  3. 人工智能客户服务体系的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Customer Service System

  4. 构筑并创建新型的客户服务体系

    Construct and Organize New Type Customer Services System

  5. B/S模式的三层客户服务体系;

    The three-layout client / service system of B / S pattern is introduced .

  6. 试论客户服务体系的建立

    On Establishing a Customer Service System

  7. 它将使券商传统的客户服务体系及方式面临根本性变革;

    It will make the service system and function of traditional securities brokers confronted with great transformation .

  8. 本文就是在此背景下,通过建立完善的客户服务体系以提升企业的竞争优势。

    This paper introduces the whole customer service architectures to improve the competition capability of the enterprise .

  9. 在这种市场形势下,烟草行业建立完善的客户服务体系显得尤为必要。

    In this market situation , the tobacco industry to establish and perfect customer service system is necessary .

  10. 读者需求的多样化,也使图书馆客户服务体系亟待改进。

    Readers want to get the individuated service , so the traditional library customer service system needs to be improved .

  11. 公司拥有优良的面料生产基地,高素质的销售与外贸人员,一流的配送体系与客户服务体系。

    The company owns outstanding production base , high qualified sales and trading team , efficient distribution system and excellent customer service system .

  12. 现代化的管理体系和真诚的客户服务体系共同构筑起电子信息和电子商务平台;

    A modernized management system and a sincere customer service system of the company have contributed it to construct of electronic information and e-commercial platform .

  13. 公司从品牌形象建设、客户服务体系建设、高标准工程质量、诚信经营方面入手,全面提高企业形象。

    From brand building , customer service system , high standards of engineering quality , integrity management approach , and comprehensively improve the corporate image .

  14. 此外,在不断开发新产品的同时,公司还建立了一套十分完善的客户服务体系,帮助用户解决实际工作中的各种问题。

    When developing new products , the company founded a set of perfect customer service system to help customers to solve every problem in the practical work .

  15. 因此,在供应链环境下企业建立完备的质量信息分析、追溯机制,完善各自的客户服务体系已成为必然趋势。

    Therefore , the enterprises establishing a comprehensive information analysis , trace mechanism , and improving their customer service system have become an inevitable trend in the supply chain environment .

  16. 如何构建一套完整有效的客户服务体系,让服务带动技术、产品和营销的进步,全面提升企业自身的竞争力,已成为各个企业的当务之急。

    How to construct an effective Customer Service System ( CSS ), in which service promotes the progress of technology , products and marketing and enhances the competition ability of enterprises , is so urgent to every enterprise .

  17. 最后,有针对性地提出了我国证券经纪业务发展的对策,包括经纪人制度的确立,完善的客户服务体系建设,信息技术整合与电子商务开展等。

    Finally , it puts forward the development strategy on securities brokering business of our country , including establishing the securities broker system , constructing the sound customers service system , and developing information technique and electronic commerce , etc.

  18. 基于Internet的远程客户服务系统体系结构与关键技术

    The Architecture and Key Technologies of Remote Customer Service System Based on Internet

  19. 爱立信:客户满意服务体系的建立与实施

    Ericsson : The Establishment and Implementation of Customer Satisfaction System

  20. 电信业客户分级服务体系探讨

    Discussion on the Differentiated Service Architecture for Telecom Customers

  21. 本文主要内容如下:1.分析比较了现有主流数据容灾技术方案,针对他们存在的不足,采用多层客户/服务体系结构,以高可用性为目标,提出了一个基于异构数据库容的灾体系结构。

    Several mainstream database-based data disaster-tolerant technologies are analyzed , and for their shortcomings , with the use of multi-layered client / server architecture , aiming at high availability , a disaster-tolerant framework based on heterogeneous databases is proposed . 2 .

  22. 联想阳光服务欢迎您!联想始终追求卓越的服务品质,以客户满意作为服务体系运作的核心。

    Lenovo has been always pursuing outstanding service quality , taking customer 's satisfaction as the priority of the service system .

  23. 一是服务营销的内部服务体系,是开发区管理机构直接为客户提供的服务体系,其内容包括树立服务理念和服务形象、完善客户服务体系。

    The inner service marketing means the park itself directly provide all kinds of service , with the content of upbuilding the idea and visualize , foundation of the system .

  24. E公司网络支持部客户服务中心绩效管理体系设计与实施研究

    Performance Management Scheme Design and Implementation of Customer Interaction Center in E Company

  25. 类似于CORBA协议中的客户、服务和中介体系,在这种仿真平台的框架下整个仿真环境由使用类封装的算法模块、设备模块和仿真环境模块构成。

    Like the client / server / broker architecture in CORBA protocols , the platform is constructed with modules of algorithm , device and simulation environment .

  26. 第三方物流企业客户服务绩效考评指标体系研究

    Performance Evaluation Indicator System for Customer Service of The Third Party Logistics Companies

  27. 然后从可得性、及时性、货物状况、交流性和响应性等五个方面建立了开放式的、评价零售业中供应商客户服务质量的指标体系。

    Then an open evaluation system of customer service quality is established according to availability , timeliness , the condition of product , communication and responsibility .

  28. 最后通过案例进一步研究了物流客户服务绩效评价指标体系的应用方法,为物流企业客户服务绩效评价提供了范例。

    Finally , it further studies the application method of logistics customer service performance indicator system for providing a model of logistics enterprise customer service performance evaluation .

  29. 基于客户关系管理的大客户服务体系的建立与完善

    The Establishment and Perfection of Large Customer Service System Based on Customer Relationship Management

  30. 文章主要分六个部分,主要包括绪论、理论基础、客户服务因素分析、客户服务管理体系、客户服务策略研究、结论与展望等。

    The article consists of six parts , including introduction , theoretical basis , customer service impact analysis , construction quality management and service system , customer service initiatives and strategies , conclusion and prospect .