
  1. 雷蛇拥有一个由370万玩家构成的活跃社区,他们不仅购买雷蛇的游戏本和周边配件,还使用它的VoIP技术,并积极购买雷蛇品牌的服装。

    Razer has an active community of over 3.7 million gamers who not only buy its gaming laptops and accessories , but use its voice-over IP services and purchase Razer-branded clothing .

  2. 彼得森表示,电子游戏本应是语言设计师大显身手的舞台,但开发商更关注艺术效果和游戏体验,而不是语言的严密性。

    Video games should be a rich source of work yet developers care more about the artwork and gaming than linguistic consistency , he says .

  3. 她想让他和其他孩子玩同样的游戏。本的母亲说:

    She wanted him to play the same games with the other children . Ben 's mother says :

  4. 宾果是相当受欢迎且有趣的游戏,本篇论文主要讨论国内的玩法。

    This report discusses some issues concerning serious games , that is ,( digital ) games used for purposes other than mere entertainment .

  5. 不像是现在大多数的同类太空模拟游戏,本作中你在接近行行或者其他物体的过程中一直都可以对飞船的航行进行控制。

    Unlike most other recent space-sims , you aren 't pulled away from flight control when you get close to a planet or other object in space .

  6. 《疯狂飙车》是一款由国人完全自主开发的大型体感式赛车游戏,本次小编就这两款赛车游戏做一个对比。

    " Crazy drag racing " is a completely self-developed by the people a sense of a large body style racing game , this small series of these two racing games do a comparison .

  7. 多玩家参与和自我创造的游戏精神本可以提供一个机会,塑造不太传统的英雄分工,但编剧和制片人们缺乏充分利用它的想像力。

    The multiplayer , self-inventing ethos of gaming might have offered a chance for a less conventional division of heroic labor , but the writers and filmmakers lacked the imagination to take advantage of it .

  8. 我们打算做撒纸屑追逐游戏来欢迎本。

    We are going to make paper chains to welcome Ben .

  9. 我刚读完《饥饿游戏》这本小说。

    I actually just finished reading The Hunger Games .

  10. 游戏精灵是本引擎的关键,精灵的运用使得游戏中的图形元素有了很好的管理,方便了对图形的各种操作。

    Game spirit is the key of this engine , application of spirit makes the graphic elements in the game has been well managed and to facilitate the various operations on the graphics .

  11. 目前娱教的研究领域主要是娱教技术、教育游戏等,本论文针对目前的研究空白,提出了基于娱教理念的信息技术与中学数学课程整合研究这一新命题。

    Current areas of edutainment research are mainly edutainment technology , educational games and so on , and this thesis put forward a new proposition that is integration between Information Technology based on the concept of edutainment and Middle School Mathematics Curriculum .

  12. 这四个游戏什么地方与本次g20峰会有关?

    What have these four games to do with the G20 summit ?

  13. 潜艇游戏开发论文摘要本论文通过对C语言认识和理解的基础上,以书本上的内容为基点,用WINTC软件开发。

    Submarine game develops an abstract of a thesis Take upper content of book as base point , use WINTC software to develop on the basis passing to C language cognition and understanding a thesis .

  14. 游戏开始画面:本拟采用直接用程序画的方式,但效果不好。

    The start of the game screen : to be used directly with the painting process , but the results are not satisfactory .

  15. 预留不同类型游戏的接口,对独立的手机游戏并入本平台提供通道,并对未来手机网络游戏的发展进行了展望。

    Reserves the different type game the connection , merges this platform to the independent handset game to provide the channel , and has carried on the forecast to the future handset network game development .

  16. 游戏投注,如果自己金额不够了,直接视为放弃游戏本局游戏。

    Game bet , the amount is not enough if they direct the Council to give up the game game .

  17. 这更加突显了教育游戏黏着度这一研究课题的重要性,因此,如何提高教育游戏对学生玩家的持续吸引力,设计出能够真正吸引学生参与其中的教育游戏,成为本次研究的核心问题。

    This highlights the importance of the research of Adhesive-Force of education game , and how to improve the attraction of educational game with the students , and design that games is our mainly goal in this study .