
  • 网络game keyboards;gamepad;i-rocks
  1. 即便是这样,雷蛇依然是行业的龙头老大:目前雷蛇是全球最大的游戏键盘与鼠标制造商,在竞争异常激烈的游戏耳机市场上也是一路领跑,将TurtleBeach、AstroGaming、Polk和HyperX等竞争对手远远甩在了身后。

    Still , it dominates : Razer is currently the number-one maker of gaming mice and gaming keyboards in the world and leads the pack in the ultra-competitive gaming headphones market , despite strong competition from Turtle Beach , Astro Gaming , Polk , and HyperX .

  2. 比如说,索尼一直通过playstationnetwork,将一次性客户转化为重复回访的付费用户、专有网络的会员、以及通过每次按动游戏手柄或敲击键盘向该公司提供行为数据的消费者。

    The Playstation network , for example , has been a means for Sony to turn one-off customers into repeat subscribers , members of a proprietary network and consumers who provide behavioural data with each click of a controller or keyboard .

  3. 这样,游戏玩家就可以通过虚拟的屏幕键盘或者是插入游戏机的USB键盘随意的聊天了。

    Players will then be able to chat with their instant-messaging contacts using a virtual on-screen keyboard or a USB keyboard plugged into the game machine .

  4. 在基于PC技术游戏的发展过程中,经历了由游戏控制杆、键盘到鼠标的变换。

    During the development of PC game , the game control method is changing from game joystick , keyboard to mouse .

  5. 游戏研究公司Eedar的分析师艾德o赵指出,雷蛇如今已经占据全球游戏鼠标和键盘市场约30%的份额。

    Today , Razer accounts for approximately 30 % of the global video game mouse and keyboard business , according to Ed Zhao , an analyst at video game research firm Eedar .