
  • 网络Tarantula;Razer Tarantula;Aula
  1. 我如何清洁狼蛛键盘?

    Question how do I clean my Razer tarantula keyboard ?

  2. 幸好,你可以作出一个好的面向下班使用狼蛛的设计。

    Luckily , you can make an okay-looking knock-off using the tarantula design .

  3. 应用EST同工酶与RAPD对狼蛛科部分种属间的亲缘关系研究

    Studies on the Genetic Relationship of Some Genera and Species of Family Lycosidae Using EST Isoenzyme and RAPD

  4. 实验采用AFLP的荧光标记分析技术和常规的AFLP银染技术,对施用农药和未施用农药的狼蛛基因多态性进行分析。

    AFLP fluorescence tag analyses technique and routine AFLP Silver-staining were used in this experiment .

  5. 由12Srdna序列探讨中国狼蛛科主要类群的分子系统发育关系

    Molecular Phylogeny of Main Groups of Wolf Spiders ( Lycosidae ) in China from 12S rDNA

  6. 中国狼蛛科(Lycosidae)常见属种16SRRNA序列及其分子系统发育研究

    Molecular Phylogenetic Study of Chinese Common Wolf Spiders ( Lycosidea ) Inferred from 16S rRNA Sequences

  7. 狼蛛优势种群的12SRRNA对长期农药胁迫的分子响应

    Molecular ( 12S rRNA ) Response of the Wolf Spider ( Araneae : Lycosidae ) Populations Under Long-period Pesticide Stress

  8. 应用12SRRNA基因序列分析探讨了狼蛛优势种群对长期农药胁迫的分子响应机制。

    Molecular ( 12S rRNA ) response ′ s mechanisms of predominant populations of wolf spider under long-period pesticide stress were studied based on the analyzed data of mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene sequences ( domain ⅲ) .

  9. 将自测的我国蜘蛛目狼蛛科4属6个种和从互联网GenBank中检索到相关物种的线粒体基因组12Srdna的序列进行同源性比较,计算核苷酸使用频率。

    A comparison of the homologous DNA-sequences of our 6 species ( belonging to 4 genera of the family Lycosidae ) to 2 relative Chinese species of Lycosidae from GenBank is depicted based on analysis of the 12S rDNA in this paper .

  10. 长期农药胁迫下供试两种狼蛛标本的12SRRNA基因片段的共同突变位点规律显示:192~228片段是其农药胁迫的敏感区。

    Based on the laws of base pairs ′ commonly mutated sites for 12S rRNA sequences of the two examined wolf spiders under long-period pesticide stress , the segment ( 192 ~ 228 ) was sensitive region of the base pairs ' mutations .

  11. 从外形上看,雄性狼蛛形形色色。

    Male wolf spiders run the gamut in physical appearance .

  12. 狼蛛科蜘蛛的繁殖行为

    A review of the reproductive behavior of wolf spiders

  13. 狼蛛的这一特性也挑战了人类对蛛形纲动物及无脊椎动物的认知。

    This spider challenges what we thought we knew about arachnids and invertebrates .

  14. 真水狼蛛的卵黄蛋白可能是由卵巢自身合成的。

    Ovary may be the synthetic position of vitellin .

  15. 盒子里装的是一只巨大的、毛茸茸的狼蛛(魔法石第六章)。

    He had a huge hairy tarantula in the box ( PS6 ) .

  16. 有一只巨大的狼蛛朝你们那边去。

    There 's a giant tarantula headed your way .

  17. 它将捕获的狼蛛拖到巢穴中。

    It drags the spider to its burrow .

  18. 九岁那年,爸爸妈妈给了我一只小狼蛛。

    When I was nine , my mom and dad gave me a small tarantula .

  19. 狼蛛更群落多样性和均匀度以草地最高。

    The diversity and evenness of the Wolf spider subcommunity were maximum in grass land .

  20. 狼蛛主要靠视觉捕食。

    Wolf spiders hunt mainly by sight .

  21. 母狼蛛会允许幼蜘蛛爬到它背上,并驮着它们走。

    Female wolf spiders may allow young to climb on their backs and transport them .

  22. 波点人哑剧演员狼蛛女

    Eraser PolkaDot Man . Mime . Tarantula

  23. 利用阳离子交换色谱结合反相高效液相色谱的方法对狼蛛粗毒进行了初步的分离纯化研究。

    Finally , Venom proteins was purified preliminarily by ion exchange chromatography followed reversed phase HPLC .

  24. 稻田飞虱、狼蛛种群密度动态数据时间序列预报模型

    A time series analysis forecasting models for planthoppers and wolf spiders population densities in rice field

  25. 中国稻田狼蛛亚群落结构及多样性研究

    Studies on the Structure and Diversity of the Wolf Spider Subcommunity in Paddy Fields of China

  26. 同辣椒类的植物相似,狼蛛也能产生会引起不适反应的毒素来击退潜在的掠食者。

    Like chili plants , tarantulas produce agony-inflicting toxins designed to repel would-be predators , researchers say .

  27. 我不想要一只危险的动物,比如狼蛛或响尾蛇之类的。

    I don 't want a pet that could be dangerous , like a tarantula or rattlesnake .

  28. 欧洲南部的大狼蛛,曾被认为是导致蜘蛛舞蹈症(无法控制的身体活动)的原因。

    Large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism ( uncontrollable bodily movement ) .

  29. 狼蛛它有外骨骼(意味着其骨骼是长在外面的)这与小龙虾和螃蟹有点像。

    Tarantulas have an exoskeleton ( that means its skeleton is on the outside ) like crayfish and crabs .

  30. 为了避免被吃掉,狼蛛跟红辣椒都使用同样的恐吓策略。

    Tarantulas use the same scare tactics as hot chilies to avoid being eaten , a new study suggests .