
  • Wolves;Wolfpack
  1. “狼群”干扰是美国正在研制的一种分布式干扰。

    An analysis is given to the effects of the wolfpack jamming on monostatic radar and bistatic radar .

  2. 狼群撕咬绵羊。

    Wolves worry the sheep .

  3. 政府花了近30年的时间制定了一个重新引进狼群的计划。

    The government spent nearly 30 years coming up with a plan to reintroduce the wolves .

  4. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局仔细监测和管理黄石公园的狼群。

    The U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone .

  5. 乍一看来,为狼群注射防狂犬病疫苗是一种简单的办法。

    At first blush , vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution .

  6. 狼群派了一个使者到羊群那里送去一份缔结永久和平的建议书,其中提出,只要羊群放弃牧羊犬的看护,并把他处死,狼群便愿意与羊群和平相处。

    The wolves sent a deputation to the sheep with proposals for a lasting1 peace between them , on condition of their giving up the sheepdogs to instant death .

  7. 愚蠢的羊群同意了狼群的提议,但是,一只上了年纪的公羊因年长而颇具智慧,他说:“即使眼前有狗在保护我们,我们尚且不能平安地逃出你们的魔爪,还怎么敢期望着与你们和平相处呢?“

    The foolish sheep agreed to the terms , but an old Ram2 , whose years had brought him wisdom , interfered3 and said , " How can we expect to live at peace with you ? Why , even with the dogs at hand to protect us , we are never secure from your murderous attacks . "

  8. 在狼群中,快乐地学会狼叫(上)&与对外经济贸易大学WTO研究中心执行主任张汉林的对话

    A Dialogue with Zhang Hanlin , Executive Director-of the WTO Research Center of Foreign Economic and Trade University

  9. 剧中,功夫兔带领兔子家族,为了保护赖以生存的森林,与MBA狼为首的狼群展开机智的搏斗。

    In the drama , Rabbit Kong-fu , leading the rabbit family , converges a fight against the wolves on protecting the forest .

  10. 狼群“达奇”(Dutch)正从公园内一个遗弃的住宅中将瓷片、空罐头盒、锅、铁制工具碎片往外拖。

    The Dutch pack has dragged in ceramic shards , cans , pots , pieces of iron tools from abandoned homesteads in the park .

  11. 为了给圣达菲慈善机构的粮食仓库项目和野生狼群庇护所项目筹款,Martin拿出了非常诱人的条件。

    To raise money for the Santa Fe charity The Food Depot and the Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary , Martin is offering some very tempting items for purchase .

  12. 一天到晚,Shaun把他的生命放在死亡的绳索上为了确定可以成为狼群的一份子。

    Day in and day out , Shaun puts his life on the line to be accepted as a member of the pack .

  13. 在确定进入狼群时,Shaun希望来证明人可以和狼一起和谐的生活只要他尊重它们的生活方式。

    By being accepted into a wolf pack , Shaun hopes to prove that man can live in harmony with wolves as long as he respects their ways .

  14. 影片采取3-D形式,在内蒙古拍摄,充满壮丽的奇景和动作场面,使用了经驯化三年的蒙古狼群,令片中关于现代中国发展造成的生态危机问题更加鲜明生动。

    Shot on location in Inner Mongolia , the 3-D film is packed with stunning vistas and action scenes featuring real Mongol wolves that were trained over three years - making the film 's message about the ecological perils of modern China 's development all the more vivid .

  15. 因此,Wolnie认为他们有权离开自己的狼群从距她总是推他的丈夫捕捉山羊。

    Thus , Wolnie thinks they are right to leave away from their wolf group and she always pushes his husband to catch the goats .

  16. 他当然有资格得到狼群的保护。

    Surely he 's entitled to the protection of the pack .

  17. 他们准备与最凶狠的狼群拼搏。

    They were prepared to fight the fierce pack of lobos .

  18. 是因为你父母把你丢给了狼群吗

    Is this because your parents abandoned you to the wolves ?

  19. 是让母狼回到狼群中的时候了。

    It was time to leave the wolf to her pack .

  20. 然后狼群集体一起出击了。

    Then the pack attacked in a crowd all at once .

  21. 狼群小心翼翼地靠近营火,寻觅食物。

    The wolves warily approached the camp fire looking for food .

  22. 牧羊人和他的狗与狼群抗争。

    The shepherd and his dog fought against the wolves .

  23. 你们去罢.差你们出去、同羊羔进入狼群。

    Go ! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves .

  24. 布兰私下认为它是狼群里最聪明的一只。

    Bran thought he was the smartest of the litter .

  25. 跟随他的狼群受到惊吓全逃掉了。

    This frightened his followers and they all ran away .

  26. 狼群已经锁定一头小野牛

    The wolf pack have picked out a young bison .

  27. 他告诉自己,他的狼群将会拯救他。

    His wolves would save him , he told himself .

  28. 他们能不能在狼群之前找到你的尸体呢.

    I wonder if they 'd find you before the wolves did .

  29. 它需要整个狼群的协助

    she will need the help of the entire pack .

  30. 这就是为什么我没有采取行动来阻止狼群。

    That is why I made no move to stop the wolves .