
chì rè
  • red heat;fervid;ardent
赤热 [chì rè]
  • [fervid; ardent] [天气] 极热

  • 赤热的炉火

赤热[chì rè]
  1. 赤热的泉水不时自地底喷出。

    Hot spring spouted out from underground at times .

  2. 他是如此苍白的以至于他似乎发出了珍珠似的赤热。

    He was so pale that he seemed to emit a pearly glow .

  3. 光晕渲染出辐射的太阳耀斑,有机的赤热,日蚀和小束极光。

    Corona renders radiant solar flares , organic glows , eclipses and wispy auroras .

  4. 赤热的熔岩布满山腰。

    The hot lava overspread the mountainside .

  5. 穿过弥漫着火云的天空,急速运转的太阳与月亮的炫目的光,犹如赤热焰火般飞掠而过。

    Across a sky of fiery clouds the glare of the hurrying sun and moon would sweep swiftly like hot breaths of flame .

  6. 我记得大朵白云游过,慢缓而且极高,赤热的夏天不动地躺在寂静的大地上。

    I remember big white clouds were swimming by , slowly and very high up , and the hot summer day lay motionless upon the silent earth .

  7. 我们对一整年的赤热的痴迷一点都不健康,尤其是对年轻女子,但是不要把这都归咎于太阳。

    Our obsession with having a year-round healthy glow is anything but healthy , especially for young women , but don 't blame it all on the sun .

  8. 我父亲训练我要无所畏惧。将盾戟化为身体的一部分,就像我赤热的心一样。

    My father trained me to feel no fear , to make spear and shield and sword as much a part of me as my own beating heart .

  9. 许多医生建议病人可以在产生赤热的产品上喷水或者摩擦,或者其他任何可以采取的方式避免烘烤,这样就可以避免太阳床的伤害。

    Many doctors advise patients to avoid the dangers of tanning beds by spraying on or rubbing on products that produce that healthy glow , whatever you can do to avoid roasting it on . carcinogen : A cancer-causing substance or agent .

  10. 纽约尼克斯队赤手可热的美籍华裔控卫林书豪的神奇表现再次得到认可,根据NBA官方报道,由于在结束的上一周表现出色,林书豪当选东部周最佳球员。

    New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin was further acknowledged for his surprising play on Monday , earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors for games completed through February 12 .

  11. 高素质的人才更是成为了赤手可热的稀缺资源,成为企业争夺的焦点。

    High-quality personnel has become a bare hot scarce resources , has become the focus of business rivalry .

  12. 在最近几周,有报道指出风投们正为了几个赤手可热的新兴企业打得火热。

    In recent weeks there have been reports of venture capitalists bidding up valuations of hot start-ups in order to get a stake in them .

  13. 小便黄赤虽然多见于热证,但并非热证所独有。

    Although more urine yellow common in pyretic syndrome , but it is not unique to heat syndrome .