
  • 网络Game function;games
  1. 如果本本游戏功能超强,你还需要什么呢?

    If acomputer is powerful at games , do you need anything more ?

  2. 如果纸牌不可用,可能需要打开游戏功能。

    If Solitaire is not available , you might need to turn on the games feature .

  3. 31PM2.6寸屏幕,立体声扬声器,很好的游戏功能(至少看上去是)。

    31PM2.6 inch screen , stereo sound , serious gaming capabilities ( or so it seems ) .

  4. 这些结论引发了对游戏功能的再认识,同时也有利于对儿童游戏实践活动进行一系列的反思。

    These conclusions cause to recognize of the play function , and benefit to ruminate over the practice activities of the child play .

  5. 伴随着智能电视的迅速发展,网络功能、游戏功能等功能已经成为智能电视不可或缺的部分。

    With the rapid development of Intelligent Television , the functions of Internet , Game and others have become an indispensable part of it .

  6. 最后实现了学习机应用软件三大模块即信息管理、拼音训练、拼音游戏功能,实现了预期目标。

    Finally , machine learning applications to achieve the three modules namely , information management , training Pinyin , Pinyin game features , to achieve the expected goals .

  7. 1947年,艺术家和设计师哈里罗伊帕克单克隆抗体工作时联手为戈特利布弹球公司创建蒂四分五裂,这是第一个弹球游戏功能潜水活动。

    In1947 , artist Roy Parker and designer Harry Mabs teamed up while working for the Gottlieb pinball company and created Humpty Dumpty , which was the first pinball game to feature flippers .

  8. 他说,公司还计划加入与购买官方产品相挂钩的特别关口和其他游戏功能,这样那些购买假冒“愤怒的小鸟”填充玩具(有时候做得很丑)的人就无法获得正品用户获得的一些好处。

    He added that the company also plans to include special levels and other game features that are linked to the purchase of official products , so those who buy the sometimes-misshapen fake Angry Bird stuffed animal will miss out on some of the perks offered to those who buy the real thing .

  9. 在未来,手机、PDA等移动设备将成为我们日常生活和工作中的必备工具,下载程序、发送邮件、玩游戏等功能,都离不开J2ME的支持。

    Mobile devices , such as cell phone and PDA , will be our necessary tools in daily life and work . We can download programs , send mails and play wonderful games with them . But all these depend on J2ME .

  10. 配置工程用计算器、游戏等功能。

    With professional calculator & fun games inside .

  11. 该系统具有趣味教学(教儿童学习26个英文字母、常用英语单词等的发音和拼写)、智力测验、音乐娱乐和益智游戏等功能。

    This system has implemented functions of English teaching , self intelligence testing , music and games .

  12. 试论数学游戏的功能

    On Function of Mathematical Recreation

  13. 测试结果证明该骨骼动画的解决方案完全可以满足当前三维网络游戏的功能和性能需要。

    Test results show that the skeletal animation solution can meet the capabilities and performance of the current three-dimensional online games .

  14. 但是,我们意识到在我们着手进行这项宏大计划之前,我们必须先制作一个可用并且完善的包含游戏原始功能的替代品。

    However , we realize that before we start on these grand plans , we have to make a working and finished remake of just the original features of the game first .

  15. 而游戏的逻辑功能和绘图等操作都在模式化的Proc()和Draw()方法里面添加相应的代码即可。

    The game logic functions and other operations in the mode of drawing of the Proc () and Draw () methods which add the appropriate code .

  16. 同时随着互联网技术与多媒体通信技术的迅速发展,音频、视频、数据传输、在线游戏等多媒体功能也逐渐被广泛地引入IMP应用中。

    With the development of Internet and multimedia technology , more multimedia communication capabilities , like voice chat , video , file exchange and online game are involved in the IMP applications .

  17. 充分发挥体育游戏的教育功能

    Giving Full Scope to the Educational Function of Physical Games

  18. 游戏的教育功能,从古到今,一直被教育学者所关注。

    The effect of game in teaching is always focused by scholars of education .

  19. 这是一个关于战斗机的游戏,基本功能都有,可以正常运行!

    This is a game of the fighters , have basic functions , it works !

  20. 体育游戏的教育功能

    Educational Functions of Sports Games

  21. 内建游戏自动更新功能,再也不需要为更新网络游戏以及热门游戏再烦恼。

    Integrated with Auto game Update Feature , no need worry to update online game and hot game anymore .

  22. 但是,随着用户使用音乐和游戏下载等功能,这类手机有望产生更多的收入。

    But the devices are expected to generate higher revenues as subscribers access features such as music and games downloads .

  23. 当成人试图干扰其中任何一个因素时,都将导致游戏体系及其功能的改变。

    When adults try to interfere with any one factor which will lead to changes in the game system and its functions .

  24. 游戏有洗点功能,以及能让技能有所改变的技能符文,我们想让大家多多尝试一下。

    There are respecs , skill runes that either slightly augment or completely change how skills work , and we want people to try all those things out .

  25. 中国大型网站运营商都在花样翻新来满足汽车厂商的需求,有数家公司还提供网络游戏或其他功能,意在鼓励网站访问者点击汽车相关广告。

    China 's biggest Web-site operators are jockeying to meet the demand , with several offering online games or other features designed to encourage visitors to click on auto-related ads.

  26. 将会负责游戏及相关功能的各项需求,具体包括成一款多人休闲网络游戏的:产品设计,原型设计,界面设计,数值平衡,文档撰写,项目管理;

    Responsible for all aspects of games and feature 's creation and production , including design , prototyping , UI design , balancing , documentation and project management of a MMO project ;

  27. 软件包含了绘图、写字、日程表、通讯录、发电邮等办公功能,也包含了图片浏览、视频浏览、小游戏等娱乐功能。

    The office tool includes paint , words , calendar , address book , email ; there are also entertainment parts such as image browsing , video playing , and fancy little games .

  28. 其他老师则发挥了该游戏的模拟功能,让孩子们利用MinecraftEdu做重力实验,然后与真实世界的结果进行对比,从而提出假设并进行证明。

    Other teachers have used the simulation aspect of the game , having kids do experiments with MinecraftEdu gravity and then comparing that to the real world and coming up with a hypothesis and proving it .

  29. 这样就实现了电子竞技游戏的Internet联机功能。

    And so the Internet online function of the electronic sports games has been realized .

  30. 其中底层游戏引擎是对功能API的封装,其中主要的功能包括游戏的渲染,音频输出等。

    One underlying game engine is a function of the API package , which includes the major functions of the game rendering , audio output , and so on .