
  1. 马丁很快学会了下15子游戏棋的规则。

    Martin soon latched on to the rules of backgammon .

  2. 但到了1952年,游戏棋开始大行其道。

    But by 1952 the game was taking off .

  3. 1935年的今天,帕克兄弟发行著名的棋盘类游戏&强手棋。

    Parker Brothers releases the board game Monopoly .

  4. 游戏是以足球棋的方式进行,比较另类的一种足球游戏,操作起来有点困难。

    The game is carries on by the soccer chess 's way , compared with the kind of one kind of soccer game , operates a little difficultly in addition .

  5. 它们包括但不限于:基础算术、智力游戏如填字游戏和数独、思考型游戏如象棋等。

    These can include , but aren 't limited to : basic arithmetic , puzzles like crossword and sudoku , games that require thought like Chess , etc.