
  • 网络Game Study
  1. 进入21世纪之后,西方数码游戏研究呈现蓬勃发展的势头,成为数码艺术理论最繁荣的分支。

    In the first decade of the21st century , digital game studies have been flourishing and becoming the most prosperous branch among theories on digital art .

  2. 从多学科、跨学科到超学科的发展,是当前西方数码游戏研究的总体趋势,值得我们借鉴。

    Currently it has become the general trend for the digital game studies in the West to develop from the multidisciplinary , interdisciplinary to transdisciplinary , which is worth our consideration .

  3. 基于P2P技术的网络游戏研究与设计

    Research and Design of P2P-based Online Games

  4. 市场研究公司IDC的游戏研究总监路易斯o沃德表示,索尼从2011年的风波中得到了许多惨痛的教训。

    Sony SNE 2.21 % learned a lot of painful lessons from the 2011 breach , says Lewis Ward , research director for gaming at the market research firm IDC .

  5. 在后续的关于一个称之为AlpineRacer的虚拟滑雪游戏研究中,16名学生中有14人称在梦里见到了滑雪的图像(三名试验观察者也有类似的梦境)。

    In a follow-up study with the virtual-skiing game Alpine Racer , 14 of16 students reported seeing skiing images at sleep onset ( as did three people who were merely observing the experiment . )

  6. 游戏研究公司Newzoo的首席执行官彼得o沃尔曼称,凭借“盾”这一利器,在那些传统游戏机还未大行其道的地方,尤其是东欧、拉美和亚洲地区,英伟达有望大获成功。

    Peter Warman , CEO of video game research firm Newzoo , says Nvidia has an opportunity to succeed with Shield in regions where traditional consoles have not , particularly in Eastern Europe , Latin America , and Asia .

  7. 据电子游戏研究公司Newzoo的总裁彼得•瓦尔曼称,全球绝大多数玩家玩的都是“多人联机在线竞技游戏”(MOBA),即多支参赛队伍在虚拟场景中捉对厮杀。

    According to Peter Warman , President of video game research firm newzoo , the majority of gamers around the world play the MoBa ( multiplayer online battle arena ) game that pits teams of Champions against one another within a fantasy setting .

  8. 我国教育游戏研究现状及存在的问题

    The Summary of Actuality and Problems about Educational Game in China

  9. 教育视野中的传统游戏研究

    The Study on Traditional Play in the View of Education

  10. 西方儿童追逐打闹游戏研究的发展和趋势

    The Development and Tendency of Western Research on Children 's Rough-and-Tumble Play

  11. 基于设计的研究范式在教育游戏研究中的应用

    Design-Based Research and Its application in Educational games study

  12. 中国古代儿童游戏研究

    A Study on Chinese Ancient Games of Children

  13. 但就表演游戏研究而言,理论描述多,实证研究少;

    For the thematic-fantasy play study , theory description is more than empirical research .

  14. 对西方儿童追逐打闹游戏研究的起源、发展、现状和趋势进行了探讨。

    The origin , development , current situation and tendency of Western research on children 's rough-and-tumble play were discussed .

  15. 最近,我们与来自华盛顿大学的游戏研究者合作,制作了一款奖励过程的数学游戏。

    We recently teamed up with game scientists from the University of Washington to create a new online math game that rewarded yet .

  16. 随着教育游戏研究的深入,特别是新课改理念的推广,我国教育游戏有了较大的发展。

    Our educational game has developed greatly with the deepening of educational game research , especially the promotion of the concept on the New Course Reform .

  17. 可以说,本文为今后的教育游戏研究者开拓了新的思路和方向,提供了新的工具和范例,具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。

    This paper develops new ideas and directions of educational games for future researchers , and provides new tools and examples , which yield certain theoretical value and practical significance .

  18. 但是,当熊硕在2007年被华中科技大学的计算机科学系录取时,他发现在他的专业与游戏研究几乎没有任何关系。

    But when Xiong was admitted to Huazhong University 's Computer Science Department in 2007 , he discovered there was next to nothing in his major related to the study of games .

  19. 游戏研究公司Eedar的分析师艾德o赵指出,雷蛇如今已经占据全球游戏鼠标和键盘市场约30%的份额。

    Today , Razer accounts for approximately 30 % of the global video game mouse and keyboard business , according to Ed Zhao , an analyst at video game research firm Eedar .

  20. 但是,目前国内的教育游戏研究仍旧存在重理论、轻实践的问题,教育游戏产品缺乏与具体学科知识相结合,没有真正融入课堂,无法得到教育研究者、教师、家长等社会各界人士的认可。

    Educational game products are at lack of combined with specific subject knowledge , no real integration into the classroom , and not access to obtained recognition from education researchers , teachers , parents and other community .

  21. 笔者分析了国内外教学游戏研究现状,并结合小学科学课程的特点,指出将教学游戏引入小学科学教学过程,以促进信息技术与课程整合的必要性。

    Combined with the characteristics of science curriculum in elementary school , this paper indicates it is necessary to introduce educational game to science teaching in primary school in order to promote the integration of information technology and curriculum .

  22. 华中科技大学新闻与信息传播学院讲师熊硕表示,华中科技大学科技课程--游戏研究导论,将于明年9月开课,并将从学术角度解读游戏。

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology 's course -- introduction to game studies -- will be available from September next year and will interpret games from an academic perspective , said Xiong Shuo , a lecturer at the university 's School of Journalism and Information Communication .

  23. 基于UML的网络游戏建模研究

    Research for Modeling Internet Game Based on UML

  24. 基于IPTV平台的CS游戏开发研究

    Research on C / S Game Development Based on IPTV Platform

  25. 基于Flex的网页游戏的研究与设计

    The Study and Design of Web Game Based on Flex

  26. 基于SymbianOS智能手机游戏的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Smart Phone Games Based on Symbian OS

  27. OpenGL制作三维游戏的研究

    Research on Making 3D Game by OpenGL

  28. 基于J2ME的教育手机游戏的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Education Mobile Games Based on J2ME

  29. 在分析目前国内外三维游戏的研究状况和水平观后,了解和学习一般3D游戏引擎的实现过程。研究三维图形库OpenGL和多媒体库DirectX和编程方法,比较各种软件建立复杂模型的优缺点。

    Studying 3D graphics basic of OpenGL and DirectX , compare the advantages and disadvantages of softwares which can build complex models .

  30. 韩国青少年网络游戏问题研究

    Research on the Problems of Net Game of Korean Youth