
  • 网络murray;Andy Murray;Murry
  1. 英国人开怀畅饮,他们把隐忍情绪暂时搁置到了一边,尤其是在穆雷(AndyMurray)好不容易在温布尔登获得三连胜之后。

    Pints were passed and the Brits put the self-flagellation on hold at least for a few hours , especially after Andy Murray managed to eke out a three-set win at Wimbledon .

  2. 接发球技术统计分析,费德勒、穆雷和德约科维奇接发技术表现的更全面,接发球方面的预判更好。

    Statistical Analysis of return of serve , Federer , Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic sending and receiving the technical performance of a more comprehensive , receive better terms of pre-judgment .

  3. 度假村由新西兰LuxuryLodges酒店协会主席穆雷•麦考(MurrayMcCaw)及其妻子伊莱恩(Elaine)重新翻建。

    The lodge has been transformed by Murray McCaw , chair of Luxury Lodges of New Zealand , and his wife Elaine .

  4. 43岁的穆雷(ChristopherMurray)是曼哈顿的一名社会工作者,他邀请他所有单身的同性恋朋友到自己的公寓共度游戏之夜。

    Christopher Murray , 43 , a Manhattan social worker , invited all his single gay friends to a game night at his apartment .

  5. 自从2010年5月份澳网公开赛决赛费德勒跟穆雷(AndyMurray)较量以来,球迷们已经有很长时间没有在大满贯比赛中见到这样一位费德勒了。

    Tennis fans hadn 't seen this Federer at a Grand Slam tournament in years , not since he met Murray in the 2010 Australian Open final .

  6. 星期一穆雷说又有球队对卢卡斯有意。

    Morey said Monday there is some renewed interest in lucas .

  7. “他们说这是由各州主导的努力。”但穆雷认为这一标准的目标是教育的联邦控制。

    " They say this is a state-led effort ," he says , but he thinks the goal is national control of education .

  8. 穆雷此次盛大夺冠,让保守党议员安德鲁·博西赞叹连连,他表示将“全力支持”穆雷获得骑士荣誉。

    And his spectacular victory promoted Conservative MP Andrew Percy to say that he would ' fully support ' Murray receiving a knighthood .

  9. 尽管英超出师不利,主席穆雷还是相信麦卡锡能够帮助球队渡过难关。

    But despite a poor start in the Premiership , chairman Bob Murray is backing McCarthy to get the club out of trouble .

  10. 夏洛特·卢卡斯:噢,我可没简和莉齐漂亮。星期一穆雷说又有球队对卢卡斯有意。

    Charlotte Lucas : Oh ! Not if he sees Jane or Lizzie first ! Morey said Monday there is some renewed interest in Lucas .

  11. 但去年萨尔蒙德看到他赢得温布尔登公开赛后,对着镜头展开一面苏格兰旗帜以示庆祝,穆雷却并不高兴。

    But when Mr. Salmond , who watched him win Wimbledon last year , celebrated by unfurling a Scottish flag for the cameras , Mr. Murray was not amused .

  12. 世界排名第五的费雷尔此次向自己的首个大师赛冠军发起冲击,但始终未能突破穆雷在球场上日益强势的掌控力。费雷尔在第二盘中被穆雷打得筋疲力尽。

    World No. 5 Ferrer was seeking his first Masters title but his hopes were dashed by an increasingly dominant Murray who ran him ragged for much of the second set .

  13. 瓦林卡现在世界排名第四,他现在已经稳居温网最受喜爱运动员之列,但他依旧认为自己远在德约科维奇、费德勒、穆雷和纳达尔之后。

    With a new world ranking of four , Wawrinka is now firmly among the favourites heading to Wimbledon , but he continues to see himself behind the likes of Djokovic , Federer , Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal .