
  • 网络MOOSE;moos
  1. 我不恨你,穆斯,我想你。

    I don 't hate you , Moose . I miss you .

  2. 朱尼珀多半因为从小被驯养,所以与一只叫穆斯的狗狗相处得很好。

    Juniper is ( mostly ) litter-trained and gets along famously with the dog named Moose .

  3. 在穆斯科克斯杂岩体中,铬铁矿矿层仅产于长石质橄榄岩中。

    The chromite deposits in the muskox complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite .

  4. 穆斯鲍尔谱(MS)分析是研究物质结构的一种近代新技术。

    Mossbauer Spectroscopy ( MS ) analysis is a modern and new technique to study material structure .

  5. 最接近本能的、无理性的音乐,保留戴奥尼索斯艺术中的精神(b穆斯科卡尔内)

    Remained the nearest to the instinctual , the irrational in music , and thus to the Dionysian spirit in art ( bMusco Carner )

  6. 导演穆斯法相信XYZ也是鼓励肯尼亚人反省自己作为公民的责任。

    Director Msafiri believes that XYZ also is encouraging Kenyans to reflect on their responsibilities as citizens .

  7. 潘瑟或帕加穆斯现在还坐在维勒斯的陵墓之侧吗?

    Does Panthea or Pergamus now sit by the tomb of Verus ?

  8. 你确定没有把穆斯海德湖错当成华盛顿山?

    Do you not mistake about seeing Moosehead Lake from Mount Washington ?

  9. 拉斯穆斯说世界可能位于一个“核引爆点”。

    He said that the world may be at a " nuclear tipping point " .

  10. 在阿尔喀穆斯的带翼人像(公元前550年)中,我们看到了为表现动态而做的第一个尝试。

    We find in the winged figure by Archermus ( 550 B.C. ) the first attempt to show movement .

  11. 但海德穆斯说:“在微软的权利条款失效后,我们将考虑开展手机许可业务。”

    But Mr Haidamus said : " We will be looking at going into the cellphone licensing business post-Microsoft-rights . "

  12. 本文根据穆斯海里什维利公式、裂纹表面边界条件与界面连续条件得到了含有层间裂纹的双金属层板应力与位移场的本征展开式。

    In this paper , the eigen function expansions of displacements and stress of bi-metal laminates with interface cracks are obtained .

  13. 亚尔穆斯说,伊拉克政府正享受着数十亿美元的盈余,而美国正在为伊拉克的安全部队付薪水。

    Yarmuth says Iraq 's government is enjoying a multi-billion dollar surplus while Americans pay the salaries of Iraqi security forces .

  14. 除了4.3万英镑的学费资助外,穆斯弗托还得到了斯宾塞-斯图亚特公司的职业指导。

    As well as having the 43000 cost of the programme funded , MS musvoto was given career mentoring from Spencer Stuart .

  15. 据说,该组织希望在尼日利亚北部建立一个穆斯林州,并警告还要进行袭击。

    The group , which says it wants to establish a Muslim state in northern Nigeria , has warned of further attacks .

  16. 得到了×××艇主蒸汽管道及调压阀两个锈蚀产物的穆斯鲍尔谱。

    The MS of two corrosion samples of the steam main and the adjustable pressure valve in submarine No. ××× are obtained .

  17. 反对派全国过渡委员会领导人穆斯法塔。阿卜杜勒。贾利勒和联合国驻利比亚特使会谈后星期五提出停火。

    The head of the opposition Council , Mustafa Abdul-Jalil , Friday proposed a ceasefire after meeting with the United Nations special envoy to Libya .

  18. 本文对7个含羟矿物样品的穆斯鲍尔谱、化学组成和δD值进行测定。

    ℃ The Mossbauer spectra , chemical compositions and σ D values of seven samples of biotite , muscovite and amphibole minerals have been determined .

  19. 穆斯托是意大利人,这也许可以解释为何主餐厅Quadrum(可以俯瞰红场)是意式餐厅。

    Musto is Italian , which may explain why the principal restaurant , Quadrum ( which has views towards Red Square ) , is Italian .

  20. 由两名不愿透露姓名的内部人士透露,萨卡拉门托国王队已经决定在今天正式聘请孟菲斯灰熊队助理教练埃里克-穆斯勒曼为球队的新主教练。

    The Sacramento Kings hired Memphis Grizzlies assistant Eric Musselman on Friday as their new head coach , two people with knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press .

  21. 这是一个拉丁词语,意意思是“环”或者“圈”。古罗马最有名的地点之一就是马克西穆斯角斗场。

    It is a Latin word that means " ring " or " circle . " One of the most famous places in ancient Rome was the Circus Maximus .

  22. 随后它们被发表在法国,挪威,瑞士和匈牙利的报纸上,导致了紧张,很快在整个穆-斯-林世界蔓延。

    They were republished in papers in France , Norway , Germany , Switzerland and Hungary this week , causing tension that quickly spread around the Mu-slim world .