• Mu;respectful;reverent
  • 温和;~清(a.清平;b.指上天)。~如清风。

  • 恭敬:严肃:肃~。静~。

  • 古同“默”,沉默。

  • 古代宗庙次序,父居左为“昭”,子居右为“穆”。

  • 姓。


(恭敬) reverent; respectful:

  • 肃穆


  • 静穆

    solemn and quiet


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 穆桂英

    Mu Guiying

  1. 不知怎么的,我老想把这条狗唤作穆夫提。

    I always wanted to call the dog Mufty for some reason

  2. 伟大如穆恩者,也有状态起伏的时候。

    Moon , as great as he is , has had some inconsistent days .

  3. 在穆斯科克斯杂岩体中,铬铁矿矿层仅产于长石质橄榄岩中。

    The chromite deposits in the muskox complex occur only in feldspathic peridotite .

  4. 穆雷博士的团队强调,目前没有证据表明这种情况会在埃特纳火山发生,但说在未来时间里,需密切关注火山滑动的情况。

    Dr Murray 's team stress there is no evidence that this is about to happen at Etna , but say the slide will need close attention in the years ahead .

  5. 《X-档案》里的特工穆德和史考莉可能说过“真相就在那里”,但对那些声称自己被外星人绑架过的人来说,真相可能深藏在他们的大脑里。

    Agents Mulder and Scully may have said ' the truth is out there ' in the X Files , but it may instead be buried inside the brains of people who claim they have been abducted1 by aliens .

  6. 最接近本能的、无理性的音乐,保留戴奥尼索斯艺术中的精神(b穆斯科卡尔内)

    Remained the nearest to the instinctual , the irrational in music , and thus to the Dionysian spirit in art ( bMusco Carner )

  7. 电池领域正飞速革新,未来很可能会超过特斯拉CEO埃隆o穆斯克的想象。

    That could push the rate of change beyond what even Tesla CEO Elon Musk could have foreseen .

  8. 穆斯鲍尔谱显示出Fe2+和Fe3+的两个双吸收特征。

    The Mossbauer spectra display two double-absorption characteristics of Fe2 + and Fe3 + .

  9. 2013年,公开表示移民改革对大公司有利的公司高管并不是只有可口可乐CEO穆泰康一人。

    Coke 's Kent is not the only chief executive who spoke out in 2013 about the merits of immigration reform for big business .

  10. 穆斯克还表示怀念通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)现已退休的高管鲍勃?卢兹,正是他经常贬低油电混动车,叫它们“蠢东西”&后来马斯克也开始信奉这种观点。

    Musk is reminiscent of General Motors ( GM ) executive Bob Lutz , now retired , who regularly dismissed gas-electric hybrids as " dumb " & until he became an apostle .

  11. 其中包括伊迪•阿明(IdiAmin)、穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲(MuammarGaddafi)和萨达姆•侯赛因(SaddamHussein)。

    Among the roster : Idi Amin , Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein .

  12. 恩德斯在接受路透社(Reuters)采访时表示:虽然欧洲航天业一直都相当成功,而穆斯克给我们带来了对它进行重整的机会。

    Musk gives us the opportunity to shake up what has been quite a successful European space industry , Enders told Reuters .

  13. 目前身兼这家电动车制造商和SpaceX公司CEO的穆斯克将在这段时间结束后重新评估自己的角色。

    Musk , who is CEO of both the electric-car maker and SpaceX , will reassess his role after that time .

  14. 由钟马田和穆雷(IainMurray)成立,为了保存改革宗,清教徒的作品。

    Established by Lloyd-Jones and Iain Murray for the preservation of reformed , Puritan writings .

  15. 如今,丹•埃克森则明智地要求公司管理层不可小视埃隆•穆斯克和他旗下的特斯拉汽车(Tesla)。

    Dan akerson correctly showed his fellow executives that they better not take Elon Musk or Tesla ( tsla ) lightly .

  16. 德州理工大学的政治学教授格雷格R穆雷说,不管美国人是否意识到了这一点,但美国人确实更喜欢高个子的领导人,这一喜好可以追溯到早期人类社会。

    Americans , whether they know it or not , prefer taller leaders , a preference that dates back to the dawn of the human race , said Texas Tech University political science professor Gregg R. Murray .

  17. 穆氏(MMoserAssociatesLtd)公司是一家由建筑师和室内设计师组成的外商投资企业,公司提供专业设计及装修。

    M Moser Associates is an international firm of architects and interior designers specializing in designing and fitting out corporate offices for multinational companies .

  18. 问:经常有人把埃隆•穆斯克与电影《钢铁侠》的主人公托尼•斯塔克相比,而且《钢铁侠II》的部分情节就是在穆斯克的太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)里拍摄的,你俩见过面吗?

    Elon Musk has been compared to Tony Stark , and parts of Iron Man 2 were filmed at a SpaceX facility . Did you ever meet ?

  19. 穆雷在过去的26场比赛中取得了25次胜利:唯一一次失利是败给世界排名第二的西班牙人拉斐尔纳达尔。穆雷的上佳表现使得费天王8年来首次被挤出了ATP排名榜三甲。

    Murray 's 25th victory from 26 matches - his only loss coming to world No. 2 Rafael Nadal of Spain - sends Federer out of the top three for the first time in eight years .

  20. 40年前,我还是一名学生,住在穆浮达街(RueMouffetard)尽头的一间小公寓里。

    Forty years ago , I lived as a student in a tiny apartment at the bottom of the Rue Mouffetard .

  21. 我很想访问两个人,一个是约翰•安德考夫勒(电脑界面公司Oblong的首席科学家),另一个就是埃隆•穆斯科。

    As part of my research , I wanted to interview two people : John Underkoffler [ the chief scientist at computer interface company oblong ] and Elon .

  22. 周一下午,穆斯克在接受《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessweek)采访时表示,他还设想了一种运载汽车的吊舱:“只需要把车开上去,然后吊舱就会启程。”

    He told Bloomberg BusinessWeek this afternoon that he also envisions pod filled with cars : " you just drive on , and the pod departs . "

  23. 当问到穆斯坦西里亚大学(MustansiriyaUniversity)有多少学生时,其中一人伤心地说大约12000人,“这也就是说我们每年要向失业大军中输送4000人”。

    Asked how many students Mustansiriya University has , one of them replies glumly that there are about 12000 , " which means we add 4000 to the ranks of unemployed every year . "

  24. 哈德利o穆林是私募股权公司TSGConsumerPartners的合伙人,她认为投资界的性别比例失衡现象并不合理,尤其对那些投资消费品牌的公司来说,因为通常都是女性在主导家庭支出。

    Hadley Mullin , a partner at private equity firm TSG Consumer Partners , says the gender imbalance in the investment community does not make sense & especially at firms that invest in consumer brands , as women drive household spending .

  25. 年初的“阿拉伯之春(arabspring)”为全年定下了基调:在突尼斯和埃及政权垮台后,如今,利比亚的穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)被赶下了台,而叙利亚也爆发了动乱。

    The Arab Spring at the beginning of the year set the tone with the fall of the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes , now followed by the ousting of muammer Gaddafi in Libya and the insurrection in Syria .

  26. 这栋建筑的状况令人悲伤,尽管它的新承租人,奇福穆邦达(chifumubanda),承诺进行修缮。

    The building is in a sad state , though its new leaseholder , chifumu Banda , promises improvements .

  27. 在他影响深远的《顿足蓝调》(StompingtheBlues)中,穆瑞以特有的生动笔触探讨了蓝调音乐和“顿足”这一美国黑人俚语之间的关系,而两者都充分表达了黑人生活的神髓和多样性。

    With characteristic brio , his seminal " Stomping the Blues " explores that music as the African-American idiom through which the spirit , mood and variety of black experience finds expression .

  28. 穆:这非常有趣,在法语中“朝生暮死”(ephemeral)一词同样是蝴蝶的命名,因为它的生命非常短暂,在不断的变换过程中,流逝中,整个过程就是拍打着翅膀飞行。

    SM : It 's funny , in French ephemeral is also the name of the butterfly which lives for only one day and its translation , fleeting * has the beat of wings in it , maybe because of flying .

  29. 请留意SpaceX公司创始人埃隆o穆斯克说的这句话。1月初,该公司一枚一级火箭助推器拖着熊熊烈焰,坠落在大西洋的一个钻井平台上,他随后发表了一番“行动总结”。

    Behold the words of SpaceX founder Elon Musk , offering a post-op summary of the fiery crash-landing of one of his company 's first stage rocket boosters aboard a floating barge in the Atlantic earlier this month .

  30. 穆斯克目前持有的产业包括包含豪华汽车公司特斯拉、私人太空飞行公司SpaceX和太阳能服务公司SolarCity。他在18个月前首次提出了Hyperloop的大胆设想。

    Musk , whose projects include luxury electric car company Tesla TSLA - 0.43 % , the private space flight company Space X , and solar power installer SolarCity SCTY - 4.80 % , first laid out his audacious vision for a Hyperloop 18 months ago .