
  • 网络Mills;John Atta Mills;Robert Mills;Peter Mills
  1. 在宣判前,米尔斯先生越狱了。

    Before sentence was passed , Mr Mills escaped from jail .

  2. 米尔斯和鲍德温一家人好像有些不和。

    There is , it seems , some bad blood between Mills and the Baldwins .

  3. 米尔斯当过团长。

    Mills was regimental colonel .

  4. 在加州米尔斯女子学院(MillsCollege),学生自治政府主席也自认为是男性。

    At Mills College , a women 's school in California , even the president of student government identifies as male .

  5. PersonalCareerManagement董事总经理科琳娜•米尔斯(CorinneMills)建议,你应避免过于关注一件事。

    You should avoid becoming too fixated on one thing , advises Corinne Mills , managing director of Personal Career Management .

  6. Reich在加利福尼亚米尔斯大学学习作曲,这无形中培养了他前卫的创造力。

    Reich was studying composition at Mills College in California , a hotbed of-garde creativity .

  7. (加利福尼亚州的米尔斯女子大学(MillsCollege)也开设了类似课程。)西蒙斯的学科设置都是典型的MBA课程,包括金融、会计和营销等科目。

    ( Mills College in California also has one . ) Simmons ' course of study is the stuff of a typical MBA with classes on finance , accounting and marketing .

  8. 连姆·尼森会在即将上映的动作大片《飓风营救3》中继续扮演退休CIA特工布莱恩·米尔斯。

    Liam Neeson will once more reprise his role as retired CIA agent Brian Mills in the upcoming action film , Taken 3 .

  9. OliverWoo最近的一位客户、在高盛工作的达伦•米尔斯(DarrenMills)选了比较庄重的款式。

    Darren Mills , one of Oliver Woo 's recent clients who works for Goldman Sachs , has opted for a more serious look .

  10. 它们都源自由马克•米尔斯进行的一项名为“云始于煤”的研究,米尔斯是曼哈顿研究所(theManhattanInstitute)高级研究员,也是《福布斯》(Forbes)“能源情报”专栏的作者。

    From a study called " the cloud begins with coal " by Mark mills , a senior fellow with the Manhattan Institute who writes the energy intelligencecolumn for Forbes .

  11. 米尔斯学院招生主任、校长与该委员会的联络人布莱恩·奥洛克(BrianO'Rourke)表示,学校将教育学生和教职工,让她们对跨性人更加包容。

    Mills also aims to educate students , staff and faculty members to be more trans inclusive , said Brian O'Rourke , who oversees enrollment at the college and was the president 's liaison to the committee .

  12. 自由球员帕蒂-米尔斯已经与母队圣安东尼奥马刺队达成口头协议,签署为期4年,总价值5000万美元的合同,联盟的线人告诉ESPN。

    Free-agent guard Patty Mills has agreed to a four-year , $ 50 million contract to return to the San Antonio Spurs , league sources told ESPN .

  13. 根据J·V·G·米尔斯(J.V.G.Mills)的翻译,马欢还写道,镇上有老虎变成的男人;他们进入集市,混迹于人群中;他们被认出后,遭到了捕杀。

    Ma Huan also wrote , according to a translation by J. V. G. Mills , that the town had tigers which turn into men ; they enter the markets and walk about mixing with people ; after they have been recognized , they are captured and killed .

  14. 结婚47年来,谢莉•米尔斯(SherriMills)有几件事没有告诉她的丈夫杰拉尔德•米尔斯(GeraldMills),比如她真正花在化妆上的时间,比如她有多溺爱孩子。

    In 47 years of marriage , there are a few things Sherri Mills hasn 't told her husband , Gerald , such as what she really spends on makeup . Or how she indulges the kids .

  15. 他不愿谈及家事,也不肯透露多久见一次林赛•米尔斯(LindsayMills)。后者是他的女朋友,在他从美国国家安全局离职跑到香港以后被留在了夏威夷。

    He would rather not go into the family stuff or how often he sees Lindsay Mills , his partner , who was left behind in Hawaii when he quit his job for the NSA there and disappeared to Hong Kong .

  16. 好像米尔斯女士给你指错路了

    It seems Ms. Mills has led you astray . Yeah .

  17. 米尔斯女士明白无误地答道:她这一点随我。

    Ms Mills apparently replied : She gets that from me .

  18. 强耦合杨-米尔斯理论中的对偶超导真空

    Dual Superconductor Vacuum in Strongly - Coupled Yang - Mills Theory

  19. 米尔斯小姐没说什么,只是善意地冲我俩笑笑。

    Miss Mills said nothing , but smiled kindly on us both .

  20. 米尔斯镇长还是诺兰先生的紧急联系人

    Mayor Mills is still Mr. Nolan 's emergency contact .

  21. 意想不到的是,米尔斯却成为了七宗罪中最后一个实施犯罪的人。

    Mills becomes the unsuspecting performer of the final sin .

  22. 定域内对称和规范场&为杨-米尔斯场五十周年而作

    Symmetry Dictates Interaction & For the Jubilee of the Non-abelian Gauge Fields

  23. 其中有一次,米尔斯小姐把我叫到她那一侧的马车前。

    Once Miss Mills called me to her side of the carriage .

  24. 他会带米尔斯和萨默塞特警官去。

    He will take detectives mills and Somerset to them .

  25. 马刺以4年5000万美元续约米尔斯

    Spurs keep Mills for 4 years , $ 50M

  26. 米尔斯教授,对不起,我迟到了。

    Student : I am so sorry I am late , professor Mills .

  27. 在现代社会学与后现代社会理论之间米尔斯的《社会学的想像力》再解读

    Between Modern Sociology and Postmodern Theory & Rereading Mills ' The Sociological Imagination

  28. 但米尔斯这个赛季是个亮点。

    But Mills has been lights out this season .

  29. 米尔斯是一位不适合搞政治的讨人喜欢的人。

    Mills was a likeable man unsuited to politics .

  30. 米尔斯,对作业成本管理体系进行了设计,并用作业成本法建立了成本控制模型;

    Designed the system of ABC , and set up the cost control model ;